
fù huó jié cǎi dàn
  • The Easter Egg
  1. 寻找“复活节彩蛋”的活动将帕西法尔和他的团队带回到哈利迪的传记中——他与奥格登·莫罗(OgdenMorrow,西蒙·佩吉[SimonPegg]饰)的不幸合作关系,他在情场上的失败尝试——也让他们经历了电子游戏以及相关追求的演变。

    The Easter egg hunt takes Parzival and his crew back into Halliday 's biography - his ill-starred partnership with Ogden Morrow ( Simon Pegg ) , his thwarted attempts at romance - and also through the evolution of video games and related pursuits .

  2. 学城图书馆里有个奇妙的复活节彩蛋。

    There was a neat Easter Egg in the Citadel library .

  3. 那间仓库将用9万多个货盘装3,000万只复活节彩蛋。

    The warehouse will hold more than 90,000 pallets storing 30 million Easter eggs .

  4. 装饰品patternn.模式;图案复活节彩蛋是一种特殊的蛋,通常用来庆祝复活节和春天的到来。

    Easter eggs are special eggs that are often given to celebrate Easter or springtime .

  5. 寻找复活节彩蛋活动是一种找彩蛋的游戏。

    An Easter egg hunt is a game for finding eggs .

  6. 最精心制作的复活节彩蛋甚至不是真蛋。

    The most elaborate Easter eggs are not even real eggs .

  7. 你知道为什么人们要互赠复活节彩蛋吗?

    Do you know the reason of the giving of Easter eggs ?

  8. 你认为复活节彩蛋不会长在树上?

    You thought Easter eggs don 't grow on trees ?

  9. 苏和她的父亲将要去寻找复活节彩蛋。

    Sue and her dad are going on an Easter egg hunt .

  10. 复活节彩蛋既有异教的又有基督教的起源。

    The Easter egg has both pagan and Christian origins .

  11. 于是就开始了在复活节彩蛋上写字的习俗。

    Thus began the custom of writing on Easter eggs .

  12. 妈妈让她去找复活节彩蛋。

    Mom told her to look for Easter eggs .

  13. 根据History.com,复活节彩蛋代表了耶稣的复活。

    According to History . com , Easter eggs represent Jesus ' resurrection .

  14. 同时,兔子还藏着那周较早前装饰用的复活节彩蛋。

    He has also hidden the eggs that they decorated earlier that week .

  15. 在佛罗里达群岛,人们正在水下寻找复活节彩蛋。

    In the Florida Keys , they are hunting for Easter eggs underwater .

  16. 在东欧和中欧,人们对复活节彩蛋是看得很重的。

    In eastern and central Europe , Easter eggs are taken very seriously .

  17. 这就像蒙住小孩的眼睛让他去找复活节彩蛋一样。

    It is like sending a blindfolded child on an Easter egg hunt .

  18. 我们什么时候开始找复活节彩蛋?

    When will we have the Easter egg hunt ?

  19. 黛比可以把复活节彩蛋放进去。

    Debbie can put Easter eggs in it .

  20. 你知道一些复活节彩蛋的游戏吗?

    Do you know some Easter egg games ?

  21. 复活节彩蛋:章鱼博士的歌“假如我是富人”

    Easter egg : doc ock sings " if I was a rich man "

  22. 然后商店卖复活节彩蛋。

    Then the shops sell Easter eggs .

  23. 十字面包和巧克力复活节彩蛋是我们今天吃的传统食品。

    Hot Cross buns and Chocolate Easter eggs are traditional foods eaten on this day .

  24. 想亲手绘制自己的复活节彩蛋吗?

    Wanna paint your own Easter eggs ?

  25. 我们在做复活节彩蛋。

    We 're making Easter eggs .

  26. 我不是已经告诉您本程序中没有复活节彩蛋了吗?

    Didn 't I already tell you that there are no Easter Eggs in this program ?

  27. 他不明白为什么一个复活节彩蛋会让自己产生这种感觉。

    He did not understand why an Easter egg should have made him feel like this .

  28. ::开始找复活节彩蛋荷莉:(上气不接下气)帮我找个地方躲起来,怡君!

    As the Easter egg hunt begins [ Out of breath ] Hide me , Yi-jun !

  29. 复活节彩蛋里藏什麽宝?

    What 's in the eggs ?

  30. 我喜欢为复活节彩蛋着色。

    I love colouring easter eggs .