
jué cè jī ɡuān
  • policy-making organization
  1. 了解一个地区STD高危人群中性病的流行情况可以从一个方面反映该地区STD的流行情况,为医疗机构和决策机关制定STD的防治对策提供流行病学资料。

    Understanding the infectious status of STD among high risk population in an area can disclose the prevalent situation from an aspect and provide material for making control measures .

  2. 东京都议会是东京都的一个基本决策机关。

    The Tokyo Metropolitan assembly is the fundamental decision-making body of Tokyo metropolis .

  3. 各级决策机关都要完善重大决策的规则和程序。

    Decision-making organs at all levels should improve the rules and procedures for taking major policy decisions .

  4. 而董事会是公司的决策机关,在上市公司这种形式的组织中处于至关重要的地位。

    Directorate , a decision-making department , is in a position of vital significance in a listed company .

  5. 兵力需求是高层决策机关在平时进行战场建设,战时实施兵力集结与调动的基本依据。

    The military strength demand evaluation is a basis for troops construction in peacetime and troops manoeuvre in wartime .

  6. 董事会和经理机构是公司的经营决策机关和经营管理机关,是公司经营管理活动的中枢。

    The board of directors and the management are the corporate backbones with the function of decision-making and operations .

  7. 而作为公司的经营决策机关,董事、经理等经营者就必须随时去面对这些风险。

    As decision - making bodies in a corporation , senior management including di - rectors and managers must face these risks at any moment .

  8. 董事会作为公司的最高战略决策机关,战略信息传递的有效与否对其能否形成科学战略决策至关重要。

    As the common apex of corporate strategic decision systems , the transfer efficiency of strategic information has important impact on the strategic decision of board of directors .

  9. 摘要警务管理是指警察管理和决策机关为保障警务工作顺利开展而采取的各种措施和为促进警务工作有效开展而运用的组织、协调、控制手段的总称。

    Police administration is the general definition of the various measures taken by the police administrative and policy-making organs to ensure successful policing work and organization , concerted , control means to improve effectively policing work .

  10. 分析了总部决策机关信息化建设的目的,介绍了总部决策机关信息化建设的内容以及国际大型石油石化公司的信息化建设所带来的效益。

    The article analyzes the aim of information construction in headquarters ' decision-making bodies and introduces the content of information construction in headquarters ' decision-making bodies as well as benefits brought by information construction in international large-scale petroleum and petrochemical companies .

  11. 高等学校犹如政府决策的执行机关。

    Higher school is the executive organ , alike the government decision making department .

  12. 第四部分,从社会保障基金审计的角度出发,重点阐述了政府从宏观决策及国家审计机关在微观管理上,加强养老与医疗保险基金管理的对策。

    Fourth part of the social security fund from the audit point of view , focusing on the macro decision-making and national audit institutions in the micro-management , strengthening of health insurance and pension fund management solutions .

  13. 研究目的:通过分析当前中国土地产权制度存在的问题和症结,提出进一步完善土地产权制度的建议,为决策层和立法机关提供参考。

    The purpose of research is to provide references for the policy making and legislative bodies and to make suggestions for further perfecting land property institutions , through analysing the problems and cruxes of current land property institution in China .

  14. 作为执行国家决策的基层行政机关乡镇政府,在近年来农村地区环境保护方面所取得的成绩是值得肯定的,其在我国生态文明建设进程中的重要地位也是不言而喻的。

    As an executive country grass-roots administrative villages and towns government decisions , in rural areas in recent years , environmental protection achievements are worth for sure , in the process of ecological civilization construction in our country the important position is self-evident .

  15. 行政决策是国家行政机关和其他行政组织,在执行国家、政府职能,处理行政事务过程中,为达到预期目的所做的行政决定的行为和过程。

    Administrative decision-making is a kind of behavior and process that the national administrative organs and other administrative organization in implementing the functions of the nation and government , and which processing of administrative affairs in the process , make decisions for achieving the expected purposes of administrative .

  16. 行政决策中的政府责任,包含两个方面的含义:一是政府的积极责任,即行政决策机关及决策人员应履行的职责和义务。

    The government responsibility in the administrative decision includes two meanings : Firstly , the positive responsibility of government which is the duty and obligation the government and policy-makers should fulfill .