
jué liè
  • break with;rupture
决裂 [jué liè]
  • [break with] 感情关系等破裂

决裂[jué liè]
  1. 与ETS的决裂导致GMAC的员工人数大幅增加。

    The break with ETS led to a substantial increase in staff for GMAC .

  2. 在他迫使Turner先生提前退休之后,人们认为Olver先生将与过去做出果断的决裂,选择一位局外人来推动他的改革运动。

    After he pushed Mr Turner into early retirement , it was assumed that Mr Olver would make a clean break with the past by choosing an outsider to carry forward his crusade .

  3. 1948年铁托在和斯大林决裂后创建了一种独特的共产主义模式。

    Tito forged a unique model of communism after breaking with Stalin in 1948 .

  4. 这个小国决定同超级大国决裂。

    The small country is going to break up with the superpower .

  5. 这样她就和我决裂了,彼此再没有见面。

    She broke off with me like that , and we have never met again .

  6. 并不是不速之客“导致了”决裂,而是缺乏真实的关系。

    It was not the intruder that “ caused ” the break , but the lack of a real relationship .

  7. 美国社会科学界的泰斗詹姆斯·Q·威尔逊表示,虽然两党之间的分歧在越战期间就已存在,但直到布什时代,两党才彻底决裂。

    Wilson , one of America 's leading social scientists , notes that , although bipartisanship may have declined in the Vietnam era , it was not until the Bush era that it utterly collapsed .

  8. 随着中东地区的专制君主开始陆续倒台,因穆阿迈尔卡扎菲(muammergaddafi)拒绝交出权力而爆发危机的利比亚,不会是唯一发生暴力决裂的国家。

    The crisis in Libya as muammer Gaddafi clings to power will not be the only violent rupture as despots begin to fall in the Middle East .

  9. 这不应该导致和俄罗斯的彻底决裂。

    This should not lead to a total rupture with Russia .

  10. 真正的决裂,是由于另一个新问题引起的。

    The actual breach came over a new and separate issue .

  11. 传言周杰伦与唱片公司决裂?

    Rumours that Jay Chou and recording company have broken off ?

  12. 为此他决定和他的封建主义家庭决裂。

    For this he decided to break with his feudalistic family .

  13. 我们必须与旧观念彻底决裂。

    We must make a clean break with old ideas .

  14. 他同家庭决裂后,去了法国。

    He broke away from his family and went tofrance .

  15. 夫妻俩争吵之后彻底决裂了。

    After their quarrel the couple completely broke it off .

  16. 我们之间发生断然的决裂,是由印度问题而起的。

    It was on India that our definite breach occurred .

  17. 学生们被鼓励与坏习惯决裂。

    The students were encouraged to break away from the bad habits .

  18. 与先前的流派自觉的进行决裂的一种艺术和文学流派。

    Art and literature that makes a self-conscious break with previous genres .

  19. 这可很难证明,中国已经与过去那种失衡的经济增长模式决裂。

    That hardly suggests a decisive break with the imbalances of old .

  20. 深度挖掘:弗洛伊德、荣格决裂的原�

    A searching look at what caused the split between Freud and Jung

  21. 但你决裂时,就像一个小姑娘。

    But you break just like a little girl .

  22. 你变得更聪明些了,就应该与旧思想决裂。

    As you grow wiser , you should break with your old ideas .

  23. 詹姆斯和马特因为丹妮决裂了。

    James and Matt got a dudevorce over Danny .

  24. 决裂的水管中的水很快就溅得房间里随处都是。

    The room soon filled with the water spurting from the broken pipe .

  25. 背叛与决裂&康拉德小说的叙述语言

    " Treachery and Rupture ": Conrad 's Narrative Language

  26. 与他的家庭决裂需要非凡的勇气与决心。

    It took unusual courage and determination to break away from his family .

  27. 让这个商界新贵跟家人决裂

    Rip the golden boy away from his family ,

  28. 我们已无可挽回地与过去决裂了。

    We have broken irretrievably with the past .

  29. 这一决裂也使得美国的政策无法再得到全民的广泛支持。

    This collapse makes it harder to gather popular support for America 's policy .

  30. 亨利八世为甚麽多次娶妻,又与罗马教廷决裂?英国国王亨利八世从天主教会中分离出来。

    King Henry the Eighth of England had separated from the Roman Catholic Church .