
chū zǒu
  • leave;run away;flee ;walk out;desert one's family
出走 [chū zǒu]
  • [leave;flee] 出逃;暗中离去

  • 毅然出走

  1. 结果AD患者偏执与妄想、焦虑与恐惧、激惹、试图出走和乱走、无目的游荡的发生率较高,行为紊乱和乱走、无目的游荡严重程度较高。

    Results The incidences of delusion , anxiety and fear , agitation , attempt to leave and wandering in AD patients were comparatively high . The serious level of behavior disturbance , wandering in AD patients were comparatively severe .

  2. 你决定离家出走,这一招儿既害人又害己。

    Your decision to leave the house is a double-edged sword .

  3. 他们的儿子离家出走,加入了一个异教团体。

    Their son ran away from home and joined a cult .

  4. 她追述了他小时候是如何离家出走的。

    She related how he had run away from home as a boy .

  5. 我16岁的时候离家出走了。

    I ran away from home when I was sixteen

  6. 帕姆从来不知道有人专门坑骗离家出走的年轻人。

    Pam had never learned that there were men who preyed on young runaways

  7. 科林被他打了一顿后就离家出走了,从此杳无音讯。

    After his beating Colin ran away and hasn 't been heard of since

  8. 通常他接的案子都涉及出轨的丈夫和离家出走的妻子。

    Usually his cases involved errant husbands and wandering wives

  9. 总有一天她会离家出走,就像她母亲那样。

    One day she will walk out , just as her own mother did

  10. 她离家出走后到巴斯与奶奶同住。

    She had walked out and gone to live in Bath with her granny .

  11. 找到这些孩子时,他们说自己是受了激将才出走的。

    When found , the children said they 'd run away for a dare .

  12. 我们听说有女人离家出走,扔下了家人不管。

    We hear of women who run away , leaving behind their homes and families .

  13. 南希经过劝阻没有离家出走。

    Nancy was dissuaded from leaving home .

  14. 他弃家出走,是对旧社会婚姻压迫的反动。

    He finally left home in an effort to counter the tyranny of arranged marriage in the old society .

  15. 他离家出走,去澳大利亚定居。

    He broke away from his family and has gone to live in australia .

  16. 散会了,大家往出走。

    The meeting ended and people came out .

  17. 他受不了家庭的羁束,离家出走了。

    He went away from home because he couldn 't stand the restrictions there .

  18. 史密斯已经离家出走,但家里人却装作若无其事。

    Smith has run away from home , but his family are putting a good face on it .

  19. 爱丽丝十六岁的时候,我是那个想离家出走的人。

    When Alice was sixteen , I was the one who wanted to run away from home .

  20. 他十四岁出走,离开了家乡和朋友。

    At fourteen he ran away , forsaking his home and friends .

  21. 我的出走是要避开各种外在的和内在的威胁

    My flight was more a shunning of external and internal dangers .

  22. 目前,谷歌正处在一个短暂混乱的时期&员工出走、管理层调整以及面临Facebook等新的竞争对手。

    Right now , Google is in a period of short-term chaos with defecting employees and management changes and new rivals like Facebook .

  23. 2000年,杰克•韦尔奇将通用电气(GE)的CEO权杖交给杰夫•伊梅尔特后,两位有力的竞争者吉姆•麦克纳尼和鲍勃•纳德利都决定出走。

    In 2000 , the two runners up for CEO of Ge ( GE ) Jim McNerney and Bob Nardelli bolted when Jack Welch passed the torch to Jeff Immelt .

  24. 随着梦工厂(Dreamworks)和皮克斯(Pixar)等公司强势崛起,后来居上,迪斯尼动画的士气愈发消沉,人才纷纷出走。

    Morale dropped and talent departed as companies like DreamWorks and Pixar took the lead in animation .

  25. 整个NBA休赛期,大家谈论的都是勒布朗·詹姆斯的荣归故里。重回克利夫兰骑士队的他发表声明称,他想弥补当初出走迈阿密热火队给家乡造成的伤害。

    The defining story of the NBA offseason could have been LeBron James 's triumphant return to his home state to heal the hurt of his previous defection .

  26. Rodale的高管陆续出走已有时日。

    Those departures are the latest in a long , slow Exodus .

  27. 在累累的伤病和少得可怜的上场时间的折磨下,这位前NBA全明星似乎已经下定决心出走NBA了。

    Between his plethora of injuries and the lack of playing time that teams are willing to offer him , the former All-Star appears to be well beyond the point of no return .

  28. 她离家出走,搬去了Poughkeepsie(注:纽约上州的一个城市)

    she left and moved to Poughkeepsie .

  29. 但即便是在困难时期,Rodale的高管出走之多仍异乎寻常。

    But even in a difficult climate , the number of high-profile departures at Rodale is unusual .

  30. 她试图让自己的注意力分撒一下,哪怕只有几个小时,因为她面前残酷的现实是她最小的儿子Derek身患癌症、最年长的儿子Anthony已经离家出走。

    She is trying , for just a couple of hours , to distract herself from the fact that her youngest boy , Derek , has cancer and her oldest son , Anthony , has disappeared .