
  • Traveling Abroad;travelling abroad;Going Abroad
  1. 这本用语手册适用于出国旅游人员。

    This phrase book applies to people traveling abroad .

  2. 随着更多的旅游目的地在2016年对中国免签,中国出国旅游人数和旅游支出再一次排在全球第一位。

    As more tourist destinations became visa-free for China in 2016 , China was once again first-overall globally in terms of the number of people traveling abroad , and for tourism spending .

  3. 苏联时代的公民被禁止出国旅游。

    Soviet citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad .

  4. 他们奉劝政府不要给他发出国旅游护照。

    They advised the government not to issue him a passport to travel abroad .

  5. Chinsumer,就是Chinese(中国人)与consumer(消费者)的合成词,可以翻译为“中国购物狂”,指出国旅游时出手大方,购置各类名牌商品的中国消费者。

    Chinsumer , a blend of Chinese and consumer , refers to generous Chinese consumers who spend a lot on brand name products when travelling abroad .

  6. 我上一次出国旅游已经是五年前的事了,现在我真的想出去转转。

    It 's been five years since I travelled abroad – I 'm getting itchy feet .

  7. 就像节约型游客一样,奢华背包客出国旅游时也没有旅行日程或者旅行社的引导,但他们随身携带手提电脑和高科技装备。

    Like their penny-pinching cousins , these travellers go from one exotic destination to the next with no itinerary2 or tour operator to guide them , toting laptops and other hi-tech gear .

  8. 据中国旅游研究院(ChineseTourismAcademy)的数据,去年有逾8300万中国人出国旅游,较上年同期增长了18%。

    Last year more than 83 million Chinese traveled overseas , up 18 % from the previous year according to the Chinese Tourism Academy .

  9. 如果你计划出国旅游,那么请一定要保管好你的iPhone。

    If you plan on travelling abroad , make sure to protect your iPhone .

  10. 法务省(MinistryofJustice)的数据显示,上世纪90年代末,出国旅游的日本人数量是赴日旅游的外国人数量的四倍多。

    In the late 1990s , over four times as many Japanese traveled abroad as foreign tourists came to Japan , according to the Ministry of Justice .

  11. 来自贝恩咨询公司(Bain&Co)的数据显示,中国消费者贡献了全球三分之一的奢侈品销售额,而且很多中国人在出国旅游时也喜欢购买奢侈品。

    Chinese shoppers are responsible for a third of the world 's luxury sales , according to data by Bain & Co , the consultancy , and many enjoy treating themselves when travelling abroad .

  12. 万豪董事长兼首席执行官小马里奥特(J.W.MarriottJr)在最近一次访问北京时表示:中国游客对出国旅游有着极大的兴趣,他们日益增长的财富也非常显眼。

    Chinese tourists have a huge appetite to travel abroad and their increasing wealth is very evident , said J.W. Marriott Jr , Marriott 's chairman and chief executive , during a recent visit to Beijing .

  13. 很多旅行社帮人包办出国旅游。

    Many travel agencies arrange tours for people to travel abroad .

  14. 当我有空时会考虑出国旅游。

    I 'll consider travelling abroad when I have a time .

  15. 每年至少出国旅游两次

    Going on at least two foreign holidays a year 22 .

  16. 试析出国旅游和留学人员个贷业务的市场机会

    The Market Opportunity of Personal Finance Linked with Overseas Tourism And Study

  17. 父母给我提供出国旅游。

    My parents put up half the money for my trip abroad .

  18. 事实就是我们无力承担出国旅游的费用。

    The truth is that we can 't afford to travel abroad .

  19. 两人的护照对于出国旅游都是有效的。

    Both of their passports were valid for travel abroad .

  20. 如果我们出国旅游,英语也是必不可少的交流工具。

    If we travel abroad , English is also essential communication tool .

  21. 天气:出国旅游赶上雨天,也会感觉颇具异国情调而别有一番风味。

    The weather . Even the rain seems somehow exotic when abroad .

  22. 出国旅游,在豪华餐车上用餐,一定要好好享用这令人难忘的大餐。

    Enjoy a memorable feast as you travel aboard the luxurious dining car .

  23. 我父母正在计划他们的首次出国旅游。

    My parents are planning their first trip abroad .

  24. 一般认为出国旅游可增广见闻。

    It is generally thought that traveling aBroad can enrich one 's knowledge .

  25. 他们对初次出国旅游感到紧张。

    They are nervous about their first trip abroad .

  26. 去年,出国旅游人数达1.07亿。

    Last year some 107 million made overseas trips .

  27. 我不再想出国旅游了。

    I have dismissed the idea of travelling abroad .

  28. 最好的方法就是出国旅游。

    The best way is to go abroad !

  29. 我出国旅游之后一周都会有时差。

    I get jet lag for a overseas .

  30. 他还表示,出国旅游的中国人将超过4亿。

    He also said the number of Chinese tourists going abroad would exceed 400m .