
  • 网络Washington State;washington state university;WSU
  1. 疑似病例。华盛顿州立大学H1N1病毒疑似病例数量增加。

    Possible cases . The number of possible cases of H1N1 at Washington State University now increasing .

  2. 华盛顿州立大学(WashingtonStateUniversity)的巴利&12539;休利特(BarryHewlett)及其同事非常意外地发现,祖母甚至和母亲共同哺乳。

    Barry Hewlett at Washington State University and his colleagues found , much to their surprise , that grandmothers even shared breast-feeding with mothers .

  3. 华盛顿州立大学呼吁反对“不恰当言语”的号召呼应了加利福利亚大学(theUniversityofCalifornia)和田纳西大学(theUniversityofTennessee)的决定。这两所学校鼓励学生们使用中性代词指代跨性别和同性恋学生。

    Washington State University 's call against inappropriate terms follows a decision by both the University of California and the University of Tennessee to encourage students to use gender-neutral pronouns for transgender and queer-identifying students .

  4. 研究小组包括来自美航局和华盛顿州立大学的研究人员,他们共同研制出一种3-D打印机,这种打印机能够用激光技术溶化粉末状的原料,然后将溶化的粉末分层次地重组成固体结构。

    The team , which included researchers from NASA and Washington State University , worked with a 3-D printer that melts powdered feedstock with lasers and then layers the melted powder into solid structures .

  5. 华盛顿州立大学的“女性与流行文化(Women&PopularCulture)”课程由萨琳娜·莱斯特·布雷克斯(SelenaLesterBreikss)教授,该课程的《课程备忘与要求》明确规定:“禁止一概而论的、刻板印象式的、贬损的以及压迫性的语言。”

    The " Course Notes and Policies " of the university 's " Women & Popular Culture " course taught by Professor Selena Lester Breikss specifies that " Gross generalisations , stereotypes , and derogatory / oppressive language are not acceptable . "

  6. 华盛顿州立大学的裘德·卡皮尔(JudeCapper)报告称,通过提高动物产肉量,该行业降低了18%的碳足迹。

    Jude Capper at Washington State University reported that by producing more beef from fewer animals , the industry cut its carbon footprint by eighteen percent .

  7. 华盛顿州立大学斯波坎分校的睡眠问题研究者马科斯·G·弗兰克(MarcosG.Frank)说,很难判断大脑夜间的变化是由睡眠还是生物钟引起的。“这是该领域的一个普遍问题,”他说。

    Marcos G. Frank , a sleep researcher at Washington State University in Spokane , said that it could be hard to tell whether changes to the brain at night were caused by sleep or by the biological clock . " It 's a general problem in the field , " he said .

  8. 功他毕业于西雅图华盛顿州立大学。

    He graduated from Washington State University Seattle .

  9. 这个宠物健康主题是书面的萨拉霍根,华盛顿州立大学,2001年的一类。

    This Pet Health Topic was written by Sarah Hoggan , Washington State University , Class of2001 .

  10. 这位华盛顿州立大学毕业生说战斗控制员的训练在他的康复之路上帮助了他。

    The Washington State University graduate said his training as a combat controller helped him on his road to recovery .

  11. 华盛顿州立大学承担的法律责任承担任何程序按照以下说明或宠物伤害你或你的。

    Washington State University assumes no liability for injury to you or your pet incurred by following these descriptions or procedures .

  12. 汤姆和他在华盛顿州立大学的团队一直在研究这种呼吸道病原体的影响及其对野生绵羊的影响。

    Tom and his team at Washington State University have been studying the effects of this respiratory pathogen and its impact on wild sheep .

  13. 华盛顿州立大学2015年7月的一项研究表明,由于一种名为白藜芦醇的物质,葡萄酒和减肥相伴而行。

    A study out of Washington State University from July 2015 showed that wine and weight loss go hand-in-hand , thanks to a substance called resveratrol .

  14. 华盛顿州立大学的一项研究发现一群感觉压力大的人走进一间满是植物的房间之后,他们的血压值降低了4个点。

    One Washington State University study found that a group of stressed out people who entered a room full of plants had a four-point drop in their blood pressure .

  15. 在高被引论文中,美国研究人员发表了22篇,其中华盛顿州立大学发表的一篇论文被引次数最高。

    Of 25 most cited papers , 22 were from USA , showing the great influence of American papers . Top one most cited paper was published by Washington State University .

  16. 现年54岁、任教于华盛顿州立大学的杭特,目前致力于研究会导致先天缺陷和流产的受精卵中非整倍体(染色体数目异常)。

    For her part , the54-year-old Hunt , now at Washington State University , focuses on aneuploidy , or an abnormal number of chromosomes in eggs that causes birth defects and miscarriages .

  17. 华盛顿州立大学教授的两门课程对于学生们的语言使用进行了明晰限定,禁止学生使用“白人”“有色人种”以及“非法移民”等字眼。

    Two programmes taught at Washington State University have set out clear restrictions upon the language students can use , banning terms such as " The Man , " " Coloured People " and " Illegals / Illegal Aliens . "