
  • 网络everett;Edward Everett;Paul Everitt
  1. 柯克-埃弗里特说:我多少都会动一动双腿,没有固定的姿势。

    I kind of move my legs around , no real position , said Kirk Everett .

  2. 埃弗里特称,她认识莫尔顿太久了,以至于她连他在想什么都知道。

    Ms Everett says she has known Mr Moulton so long that she knows how he thinks .

  3. 为了帮助恢复背部损伤,埃弗里特早在七年前就使用立式办公桌了。

    He got one seven years ago to help recover from a back injury .

  4. 埃弗里特算是站立办公的“先驱”了。早在七年前,为了有助于背部损伤的恢复,他就使用了立式办公桌。

    Mr. Everett is a pioneer in standing desks , having gotten one seven years ago to help recover from a back injury .

  5. 飞机从华盛顿州埃弗里特起飞,飞行近四个小时后降落在西雅图的波音机场。

    The aircraft took off from Everett in Washington State , and flew almost four hours before it landed at Seattle 's Boeing Field .