
  • 网络Aedes aegypti
  1. 不过,由经验中得知许多受过训练结业者,只有少数人被聘雇从事于埃及斑蚊病媒防治计画,多数人仍从事于研究工作。

    However , experience has shown that many of the graduates of such courses remain in the area of research and relatively few are employed in Aedes aegypti vector-control programmes .

  2. 而对抗寨卡病毒的重点,在于消灭它的传播源:埃及斑蚊。

    The focus of fighting the virus has been on eliminating its carrier , the Aedes aegypti mosquito .

  3. 按蚊属一新种描记(双翅目:蚊科)主要是由一种带有病毒的斑蚊属病媒蚊传染所致,通常是埃及斑蚊,它也会导致黄热

    A NEW SPECIES OF ANOPHELES ( DIPTERA : CULICIDAE ) " Dengue is caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes , usually A. aegypti , which also carries yellow fever . "

  4. 主要是由一种带有病毒的斑蚊属病媒蚊传染所致,通常是埃及斑蚊,它也会导致黄热有鲜艳斑点的热带大昆虫,有曾被认为能发光的口鼻。

    " Dengue is caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes , usually A. aegypti , which also carries yellow fever . " large brightly marked tropical insect with a process like a snout that was formerly thought to emit light .