
  1. 我们走了几个街区,来到了市中心的埃尔帕索公共图书馆。

    We walked a couple of blocks until we came upon the downtown El Paso Public Library .

  2. 金德摩根将出售埃尔帕索公司的勘探和生产业务,以便承担收购所带来的各项费用。

    Kinder Morgan will sell off El Paso 's exploration and production business to help pay for its purchase .

  3. 1994年6月,在埃尔帕索的布利斯堡,佩奇因为踢破了一家名为阁楼(Attic)的酒吧的墙壁而被警方逮捕,警方还以刑事破坏的罪名对他提出了指控。

    In June 1994 , while at Fort Bliss in El Paso , police arrested Mr. Page and charged him with criminal mischief for kicking holes in a wall at a bar called the Attic .

  4. 接近尾声时在埃尔帕索汽车旅馆发生了什么?

    What happened at the El Paso motel near the end ?

  5. 受害死者之埃尔帕索一所监狱的狱警。

    One of the victims worked as a jailer in El Paso .

  6. 墨西哥北部相对埃尔帕索的里奥格兰德的一座城市。

    A city in northern Mexico on the Rio Grande opposite El Paso .

  7. 你真的觉得,你在埃尔帕索的生活有意思吗?

    Did you really think your life in El Paso was gonna work ?

  8. 路顿还在埃尔帕索没有回来。

    Lewt 's not back from El paso .

  9. 你知道该做什么,它是达拉斯,休斯敦,奥斯汀还是埃尔帕索?

    You know what to do , is it Dallas , Houston , Austin or El Paso ?

  10. 这个比率在1976年时最低,当时旧金山与埃尔帕索的收入之比为1.36。

    At its low point in 1976 , the gap was 1.36 times , between San Francisco and El Paso .

  11. 通过对三先生在圣哈辛托广场,埃尔帕索,德克萨斯州,1906年公园的长椅上的时间。

    Three gentlemen pass the time on a park bench in San Jacinto Plaza , El Paso , Tex. , 1906 .

  12. 位于荒凉的高山附近的平原上的这两个城市简直有天壤之别。得克萨斯的埃尔帕索位列美国第二大最安全城市。但是就在边境另外一边的则是世界上最危险的城市——墨西哥的华雷斯。

    But it sits just across the border from one of the most dangerous cities in the world - Juarez , Mexico .

  13. 他是埃尔帕索郡警察局拘留中心的狱警,帮派成员指控他虐待他们在监狱中的同伙。

    who worked as an El Paso County Sheriff 's detention officer and was accused by gang members of mistreating their compatriots there .

  14. 位居排行榜最后五位的城市包括:纽约州的扬克斯、弗吉尼亚州的诺福克、加利福尼亚州的莫多斯托和得克萨斯州的三个城市&阿林顿、埃尔帕索和卢伯克。

    The bottom five cities included Yonkers in New York , Norfolk , Virginia , Modesto , California and three Texas cities & Arlington , El Paso and Lubbock .

  15. 德克萨斯州埃尔帕索郡警察局发言人说,他们从墨西哥方面没有任何相关的信息。不过,他们表示雷德尔弗斯是一位很受尊敬的专业人士。

    El Paso County Sheriff 's Department spokespersons say they have no information to collaborate the reports coming out of Mexico , but they have said that Redelfs was a well-respected professional .

  16. 西部炼油公司的总部位于得克萨斯州的埃尔帕索,这家独立炼油商和贸易商在2006年上市,股票发行价是17美元,并曾达到50美元的高点,但该公司股价因经济衰退前的一笔糟糕收购交易而受到重创。

    The El Paso , Texas-based independent refiner and marketer went public in 2006 at $ 17 per share and eclipsed $ 50 per share before making a poor acquisition leading up to the recession , battering its stock .

  17. 她说,通用磨坊今年推出三种风味的老埃尔帕索墨西哥风味烹饪酱汁,并把它们和新鲜食材搭在一起,以取悦需要简便平日晚餐的半生不熟的烹饪者。

    Later this summer General Mills plans to introduce Old El Paso Mexican Cooking Sauce in three flavors intended to be combined with fresh ingredients to please ' semi-experienced ' cooks who need an easy weeknight dinner , she says .

  18. 她说,通用磨坊今年推出三种风味的老埃尔帕索墨西哥风味烹饪酱汁,并把它们和新鲜食材搭在一起,以取悦需要简便平日晚餐的“半生不熟的”烹饪者。

    Later this summer General Mills plans to introduce Old El Paso Mexican Cooking Sauce in three flavors intended to be combined with fresh ingredients to please ' semi-experienced ' cooks who need an easy weeknight dinner , she says . '

  19. 得克萨斯的研究人员分别对在美国休斯敦、达拉斯、奥斯汀、埃尔帕索、圣安东尼奥和布朗斯维尔等市的医疗中心附近繁忙的十字路口处停车的1280名司机的年龄进行了估计,并记录了司机和乘客的特征和使用手机的情况。

    Researchers in Texas estimated driver age and recorded driver and passenger characteristics and cellphone use for 1280 drivers as they stopped at busy intersections near medical centers in Houston , Dallas , Austin , El Paso , San Antonio and Brownsville .

  20. 由于我在埃尔帕索人地生疏,我诚恳地希望学校有人到埃尔帕索机场来接我,我愿意支付交通费给来接我的人。

    As I shall be a stranger in El paso , I earnestly hope to meet someone from the University at the El Paso Airport even if I have to pay travel expenses for the peron who comes to pick me up .