
  • 网络Riverside;The River Walk
  1. 本文试图借鉴美国圣安东尼河滨步道的开发经验,浅谈盘龙江滨河空间的创造问题。

    According to the example of San Antonio River , this paper briefly talks about how the river walk of Panlongjiang can be created .

  2. 这条河滨步道是柬埔寨人傍晚散步的胜地。

    The riverfront promenade is a popular place for Cambodians to take an evening stroll .

  3. 城市设计突出一系列独具特色的的河滨步道,连接酒店、办公、零售、和开放休闲空间。

    The urban design plan crafts a series of distinct canal side walking experiences that link anchor hotels , offices , retail destinations and open space amenities .