
  • 网络Takashi Kawamura
  1. 在汽车制造之都名古屋,这位喜欢穿热带汗衫的知事河村隆之(TakashiKawamura),曾尝试削减议员的工资来弥补城市减税计划的收入,他的这一举措使他深得民心。

    In the car-manufacturing city of Nagoya , Takashi Kawamura , a mayor with a taste for tropical shirts , enjoys strong popularity for trying to halve assembly-members'salaries to pay for a city tax cut .

  2. 该发言人表示河村隆之的发言歪曲历史事实,严重伤害了南京人民的感情。

    The spokesman said Takashi Kawamura 's remarks distorted historical facts and seriously hurt the feelings of the Nanjing people .

  3. 河村隆之2009年的言论也曾惹恼中国。他当时对名古屋市议会说,南京的死亡人数被北京夸大了。

    Kawamura also raised the ire of China in 2009 , when he told the Nagoya city council that the Nanjing death toll cited by Beijing was inflated .