
  • 网络asian american;Asian-American;Asian-Americans
  1. 亚裔美国人法律辩护与教育基金会(AsianAmericanLegalDefenseandEducationFund)的一项研究显示,费城唐人街受到的冲击尤其明显,不少投资者涌入那里大举购买周边的豪宅,推高了房地产价格和房租。

    The Chinatown in Philadelphia is particularly exposed to an influx of investors buying up surrounding luxury developments which is pushing up property prices and rents , according to a study by the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund .

  2. 亚裔美国人运动的缘起与影响

    The Origin and the Impact of the Asian American Movement

  3. 种种迹象表明新一代亚裔美国人也愿意入乡随俗。

    There is every sign that new Asian-Americans are just as willing to assimilate

  4. 今年,65%的学生是亚裔美国人,而在2007年,这一比例是44%。

    This year , 65 percent of its students are Asian-American , compared with 44 percent in 2007 .

  5. 亚裔美国人和白人家庭都说在过去几年里,随着亚裔家庭数量的増多,两个群体之间的关系越来越紧张了。

    Both Asian-American and white families say the tension between the two groups has grown steadily over the past few years , as the number of Asian families has risen .

  6. “停止仇恨亚太裔(StopAAPIHate)”是一个追踪和应对针对亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民的种族仇恨犯罪的全国联盟,该机构在2020年3月19日至今年6月期间收到了9081起反亚裔事件报告。

    Stop AAPI Hate , a national coalition that tracks and responds to racially motivated hate crimes towards Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders , received 9081 reports between 19 March 2020 and this June .

  7. 他也只是一小撮能够登陆NBA的亚裔美国人之一。

    He 's also one of only a handful of Asian-Americans to make it .

  8. CNN主播:现在我们来谈谈亚裔美国人。

    CNNANCHOR : Well , time now to look at Asian-Americans .

  9. 特里·奥·米尼斯(TerryAoMinnis)是支持团体“亚裔美国人促进正义”(AsianAmericansAdvancingJustice)的官员。

    Terry Ao Minnis is an official with Asian Americans Advancing Justice , a support group .

  10. 更新:有报道称,中国的海关人员正在收缴灰色市场的iPhone。在那之后,周日在Soho区的亚裔美国人比例有了明显下降。

    UPDATE : The ratio of Asian Americans in Soho dropped visibly Sunday after Chinese customs officials were reported to be confiscating grey market iPhones .

  11. CNN资深医疗特派员桑杰·古普塔:因此他们的工作时间比别人长,也更努力。有许多亚裔美国人在他们选择的领域中大放异彩。

    DR. SANJAY GUPTA , CNN SENIOR MEDCTAL CORRESPONDENT : So , they work longer and harder , and many Asian-Americans excel in their chosen fields .

  12. 由玛格丽特·曹(MargaretCho)主演的情景喜剧《全美女孩》(All-AmericanGirl)正是如此。这是《初来乍到》之前关于亚裔美国人的电视节目的一次重要尝试。

    This is exactly what happened to All-American Girl , the sitcom starring the comedian Margaret Cho and the last significant attempt to make an Asian-American TV show .

  13. 克里斯·洛克(ChrisRock)在周日主持奥斯卡颁奖礼时,对好莱坞和“奥斯卡太白了”(#OscarsSoWhite)大加抨击,这让他收获了不少好评。不过,他也因为有关亚裔美国人的言论面临指责。

    Amid generally positive reviews of his jabs at Hollywood and \# OscarsSoWhite , the host of Sunday 's Oscar ceremony , Chris Rock , is being taken to task for some of his material involving Asian-Americans .

  14. 去年,在举世闻名的帕森设计学院(ParsonsTheNewSchoolforDesign),将近一半的美术时尚设计学士课程学生是亚洲人或亚裔美国人(29%的学生来自韩国)。

    At Parsons The New School for Design , nearly half of the students enrolled in their bachelor of fine arts fashion design programme last year were either Asian or Asian American ( with fully 29 per cent of the student population from Korea ) .

  15. JOHNWARD医生:“由于大部分亚裔美国人来自乙肝患病率比较高的国家,或者他们的父母来自这些国家,他们应该接受慢性乙肝检查。”

    DR. JOHN WARD : " The bottom line -- since most people of Asian came to the US from endemic countries or were born to parents from these countries , they should be screened for chronic hepatitis B. "

  16. 对2014-15演出季来说,至少有三部亚裔美国人写的新剧本将在外百老汇上演,包括女剧作家李永珍(YoungJeanLee,音译)的《正直的白人》(StraightWhiteMen),她在该剧中表达了自己对白人的看法。

    For the 2014-15 season , at least three new plays written by Asian-Americans will open Off Broadway - including one , " Straight White Men , " in which the female playwright , Young Jean Lee , is offering her take on white characters .

  17. 因此《亚裔美国人的故事》和其他详实充分,内容广泛的亚裔美国人历史书有着很大相似之处,特别是高木罗纳(RonaldTakaki)1989年的著作《异岸来的陌生人》(StrangersFromaDifferentShore)。

    In that regard , " The Making of Asian America " shares strong similarities with other broad , inclusive Asian-American histories , most obviously Ronald Takaki 's " Strangers From a Different Shore , " first published in 1989 .

  18. 纽约的亚裔美国人维拉(Voila)说:“说真的,我们能不能别再发牢骚了?我们(大部分人)

    Voila from New York , who identifies as Asian-American , said : " Seriously , can we stop with the whining already ? We are ( mostly )

  19. 据AAJA在2007年的一份报告说,亚裔美国人和太平洋岛人仅占美国报纸编辑部全体员工的百分之三。

    According to a2007 report by the AAJA , Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders make up only three per cent of all newsroom employees at U.S.newspapers .

  20. 努力工作是亚裔美国人的标记。

    Hard work has marked Asian Americans as a model minority .

  21. 亚裔美国人的抽烟率有显著的变异。

    There are significant variations in smoking rates among Asian americans .

  22. 我认为这里的关键问题就是:亚裔美国人指的是谁?

    I think the central question here is : Who are Asian-Americans ?

  23. 亚裔美国人影响着美国生活的每一个领域。

    Americans of Asian descent have influenced every sphere of American life .

  24. 阿曼达?约翰逊出生在新奥尔良,父母是亚裔美国人。

    Amanda Johnson was born in New Orleans , of African-American parents .

  25. 亚裔美国人成功不假,但苦乐参半亚裔美国人有时会做传统的幸运甜点。

    Asian-American Success Real But Bittersweet Asian-Americans sometimes make traditional fortune cookies .

  26. 为什么在美国文学中没有更多的亚裔美国人涌现呢?

    Why were there not more Asian Americans represented in American literature ?

  27. 为什么亚裔美国人学习创作性写作这一课程的人数会如此之少?

    Why are there few Asian Americans enrolled in creative writing programs ?

  28. 与此同时,对亚裔美国人的歧视仍然很常见。

    At the same time , discrimination against Asian-Americans is alive and well .

  29. 亚裔美国人的身份认同是当代亚裔研究中的一个不可忽视的问题。种族或族裔背景是身份认同的基础。

    Asian American s ' identity is an important issue in Asian American studies .

  30. 谢谢,肖恩,教我如何去爱亚裔美国人。

    Thanks , Sean , for teaching me how to love Asian American men .