
  • 网络JFK;Killing Kennedy
  1. 他非常激动,这一次他的许多电影都将在电影节上展示,包括《亚历山大》和《刺杀肯尼迪》。

    He was thrilled that this time many of his movies will be shown during the fest , including Alexander and JFK .

  2. 刺杀肯尼迪的导演奥利弗。斯通在议院小组委员会试图发行关于肯尼迪总统暗杀事件的文献之前证实了(?)。

    " JFK " director Oliver Stone testifies before a House subcommittee to seek the release of documents concerning President Kennedy 's assassination .

  3. 格勒登认为美国中央情报局(CentralIntelligenceAgency)参与了刺杀肯尼迪的行动。他写过六本书,包括上榜《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)图书畅销榜的《叛国罪》(HighTreason)。

    Mr. Groden , who believes the Central Intelligence Agency was involved in Kennedy 's assassination , has written six books , including a New York Times bestseller called ' High Treason . '

  4. 刺杀肯尼迪的奥斯瓦德从仓库逃跑在一间剧院被捕。

    Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater .

  5. 我还以为是,李哈维刺杀肯尼迪总统的那地方呢。

    I thought that 's where Lee Harvey shot , uh , j.f.k.

  6. 据说他从007间谍小说中获得了灵感,刺杀肯尼迪给卡斯特罗献礼。

    It is said he was inspired by the James Bond spy novels and killed Kennedy as a gift for Castro .

  7. 拍过《刺杀肯尼迪》和《野战排》,这位喜欢直言不讳的导演说华盛顿的反恐战争是美国“控制世界”的幌子。

    The outspoken director of " JFK " and " Platoon " claimed Washington 's war on terror was being used as cover to " dominate the world . "

  8. 他记得那天晚上,达拉斯警员逮捕了他,用好几个小时审讯他有关奥斯瓦德的事情,然后让他在一份打好的声明上签字,承认自己是刺杀肯尼迪总统的同谋。

    He remembers being pushed up against a wall later that evening by Dallas police , who interrogated him for hours about Mr. Oswald , then asked him to sign a typed statement confessing to being an accomplice to the assassination .

  9. 官方结论是在达拉斯一家书店工作的李·哈维·奥斯沃德刺杀了肯尼迪。

    The official conclusion was that Lee Harvey Oswald , who worked at a Dallas book storehouse , murdered Kennedy .

  10. 1963年遭刺杀之前,肯尼迪总统曾在这座纯白色地中海风格大宅的图书室内面试过多数内阁候选人,周末,他会在大小可与奥运场馆媲美的泳池里游泳。

    John F. Kennedy interviewed most cabinet candidates in the library of the stark white Mediterranean compound and swam in the Olympic-size pool the weekend before his 1963 assassination .