
Mènɡ Fēi Sī
  • Memphis
  1. 孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。

    The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture .

  2. 我伯父是孟菲斯市市长。

    My uncle was the mayor of Memphis

  3. 这封信最初是由孟菲斯的《商业诉求》获得的,该信还包含了摩根对这一方案的几点担忧。

    That letter , which includes several concerns Morgan has with the plan , was originally obtained by The Commercial Appeal in Memphis .

  4. 在周二晚上早些时候,太阳以127:113击败孟菲斯灰熊。

    The Suns beat the Memphis Grizzlies 127-113 earlier Tuesday night .

  5. 安德鲁·泰瑟(AndrewTicer)及迈克尔·赫曼(MichaelHudman),AndrewMichaelItalianKitchen,孟菲斯

    Andrew Ticer and Michael Hudman , Andrew Michael Italian Kitchen , Memphis

  6. 缅因孟菲斯田纳西州不不是迈阿密不那是弗罗里达州错不不内华达N字母开头

    Maine . Memphis Tennessee . No , that 's not.Miami . No , that 's Florida . No , No.No . No. Nevada , start with an N.

  7. 尽管ups和联邦快递也在距本土较远的国家采取代理的形式,但它们的经营高度集中在亚特兰大和孟菲斯的总部。

    Ups and FedEx operate more centrally from their headquarters in Atlanta and Memphis , though they do use agents in far-flung countries .

  8. UCLA得到了第一场比赛开始几分,但是孟菲斯没有被镇住。

    UCLA scored the first points of the first game , but Memphis was not intimidated .

  9. 贝克指出,目前使用DegreeCompass的有四所大学&奥斯汀皮耶州立大学、孟菲斯大学(UniversityofMemphis)和两所社区大学,预计其他高校将很快成为这个平台的用户。

    Four schools Austin Peay , the University of Memphis , and two community colleges currently use degree compass , with others expected to join in the near future , says Baker .

  10. 独立厂牌“胖负鼠”(FatPossum)为了满足公司自己的需要,今年在孟菲斯开设了一家新厂,他们拥有9台机器。

    Fat Possum , another indie label , also started a new plant in Memphis this year to meet its own demand , with nine machines .

  11. 本杰明·胡克斯(BenjaminHooks)出生在田纳西州的孟菲斯,当时这个南方城市在所有公共生活领域歧视黑人。

    Benjamin Hooks was born in Memphis , Tennessee , at a time when the southern city discriminated against blacks in all areas of public life .

  12. 此外,作为一个生活在自称为圣经腰带(BibleBelt)带扣上的这座城市中的犹太人(孟菲斯号称教堂多于加油站),我一向很清楚我的局外人身份。

    Moreover , as a Jew living in a town that declared itself the buckle of the Bible Belt ( Memphis boasted more churches than gas stations ), I was always aware of my outsider status .

  13. 上周,TSA又在达拉斯-沃思堡、孟菲斯(Memphis)和克利夫兰(Cleveland)三个机场开设了Precheck注册中心,将注册中心的数量提升到了14个。

    Last week , TSA opened three Precheck enrollment centers at airports Dallas-Fort Worth , Memphis and Cleveland raising the total to 14 .

  14. EdisonPena受邀参加纽约市马拉松赛跑,还受邀到田纳西州孟菲斯市,ElvisPresley的故乡。

    Edison Pena has been invited to the New York City Marathon and to Graceland , the home of Elvis Presley in Memphis , Tennessee .

  15. 总部位于孟菲斯的VarsityBrands公司,在美国啦啦队市场上占据着主导地位。最近,该公司派遣了5名教练前往中国,这是该公司激发中国人对啦啦队兴趣的举措之一。

    Varsity Brands , a Memphis-based company that dominates the cheerleading business in the US , recently sent five instructors to China as part of a drive to drum up interest there .

  16. 他说:“虽然还是工装裤,但也很明显带有设计师的风格。”他的店里卖的是瑞克·欧文斯(RickOwens)旗下Drkshdw品牌的工装裤,《黑客帝国》(Matrix)里孟菲斯(Memphis)的那种款式。

    It 's still a cargo , but it 's also clearly that designer 's pant . ' At his store , he is selling the Matrix-like ' Memphis ' pants from Rick Owens 's Drkshdw label .

  17. 我去过一次格雷斯兰(Graceland,埃尔维斯·普莱斯利在孟菲斯的故居,现已成为博物馆&译注),尼克·凯夫(NickCave)说,乐队其他人都进去了,但我留在外面,在路边抽烟,觉得很难过。

    I went to Graceland once , Nick Cave said . The rest of the band went in , but I stayed out on the curb , smoking cigarettes and feeling sorry for myself .

  18. 公司总部迁至孟菲斯后,该公司2006年花费52000美元为首席执行长约翰•法拉奇(JohnV.Faraci)安装了住宅保安系统。

    They include International Paper Co. , whose directors spent $ 52,000 in2006 to install a home-security system for CEO John V.Faraci after the company 's headquarters moved to Memphis , Tenn.

  19. 我觉得最后让我很高兴的是,“西孟菲斯三人帮”中的其中两位,杰森•鲍尔温(JasonBaldwin)和杰西•米斯凯利(JessieMisskelley),是这个片子的执行制片人。

    I think that ultimately what has emerged that I 'm very happy about is that two of the West Memphis Three , Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley , are executive producers on this project .

  20. 你觉得到孟菲斯怎么样,小伙子?

    How would you like to come to memphis , son ?

  21. 我希望如此吧,他母亲在孟菲斯说。

    " I hope so ," his mother said from Memphis .

  22. 他就在这里,他是孟菲斯电视台的新人。

    And here he is , a newcomer to Memphis television .

  23. 孟菲斯说,我有什么傻?

    Memphis and said , I have what a silly ?

  24. 田纳西州孟菲斯,比例是88,女性平均结婚年龄是27.2岁;

    Memphis , Tennessee : ratio 88 , 27.2 years ;

  25. 我在孟菲斯的朋友去过茸毛剪了。

    My boys up in Memphis go to nappy cut .

  26. 届时有50多项活动将在孟菲斯市及其周边地区举行。

    More than fifty events will be held in and around Memphis .

  27. 我以前认识一个来自孟菲斯的比尔?毕洛克西。

    I used to know a bill Biloxi from memphis .

  28. 她吩咐他到孟菲斯去接管这事。

    She 's asking him to take over in memphis .

  29. 那是诺玛珍和孟菲斯的孩子。

    That is the offspring of Memphis and Norma jean .

  30. 你爸爸呢他在孟菲斯-很好和史蒂芬一起

    Where 's your dad ? Memphis - Good.With Stephen .