
  • 网络Memphis;The University of Memphis
  1. 贝克指出,目前使用DegreeCompass的有四所大学&奥斯汀皮耶州立大学、孟菲斯大学(UniversityofMemphis)和两所社区大学,预计其他高校将很快成为这个平台的用户。

    Four schools Austin Peay , the University of Memphis , and two community colleges currently use degree compass , with others expected to join in the near future , says Baker .

  2. 孟菲斯大学足球队的一名队员在校园中心被射中,并被杀害。

    A University of Memphis football player was shot and killed on the downtown campus .

  3. 孟菲斯大学将与全美范围内最顶尖的学校争夺生源。

    University of Memphis will be the nation 's top schools in the context of competition for students .

  4. 孟菲斯大学的智能安全系统研究实验室建立了能解决这种弱点的软件原型。

    The Intelligent Security Systems Research Lab at The University of Memphis has built software prototypes that address that weakness .

  5. 那是位于田纳西州的孟菲斯卫理公会大学医院。

    It was Methodist University Hospital in Memphis , Tennessee .