
yōu mèn
  • depressed;feeling low;weighed down with cares;feel low;weigh down with cares
忧闷 [yōu mèn]
  • [feel low;weigh down with cares;depressed] 忧愁烦闷

  • 她因失败而忧闷

忧闷[yōu mèn]
  1. 这不是忧闷,这是震怒。

    This time he was not so much worried as angry .

  2. 在这些日子里,我达尼尔忧闷了三个星期。

    In those days I Daniel mourned the days of three weeks .

  3. 我心想念这些,就在里面忧闷。

    I well remember them , and my soul is downcast within me .

  4. 塔玛尔从此就忧闷不乐,住在她哥哥阿贝沙隆家里。

    Desolate as she was , Tamar stayed in her brother Absalom 's house .

  5. 德默特琉一听说了这事,便忧闷地说。

    And Demetrius heard these words , and was exceeding sorry , and said .

  6. 克利福在午餐以前从不出来,饭厅里总是有点忧闷。

    Clifford never appeared before lunch , and the dining-room was a little dreary .

  7. 他是孩子气的,有时还很爱玩爱闹,并不是一种忧闷不乐的性情;

    He was childish and sportive enough at times , and not of a sullen disposition ;

  8. 我听见有些东西在我心的忧闷后面萧萧作响,--我不能看见它们。

    I hear some rustle of things behind my sadness of heart , & I cannot see them .

  9. 他父亲素来没有使他忧闷,说,你是作什么呢。

    And his father had not displeased him at any time in saying , Why hast thou done so ?

  10. 他们的态度有时沉寂忧闷,颇有秋天萧瑟的气氛;

    Their attitude sometime is silent and depressive , like the bleak autumn while sometime is warm and harmonious , like the spring wind .

  11. 王后耶洗别来问他说,你为什么心里这样忧闷,不吃饭呢?

    But jezebel , his wife , came to him and said , why is your spirit so bitter that you have no desire for food ?

  12. 亚哈的妻子耶洗别来见他,问他说,你为什么灵里这样忧闷,不吃饭呢?

    And Jezebel his wife came to him and said to him , why is your spirit so sullen that you will not eat any food ?

  13. 她相信她已经尽了自己的责任,至于要她为那些无法避免的害处去忧闷,或者是过分焦虑,那她可办不到。

    She was confident of having performed her duty , and to fret over unavoidable evils , or augment them by anxiety , was no part of her disposition .

  14. 他父亲素来没有使他忧闷、说、你是作甚麽呢.他甚俊美、生在押沙龙之后。

    His father had never interfered with him by asking ," Why do you behave as you do ?" He was also very handsome and was born next after Absalom .

  15. 他对神的信心坚固,以致当他落到最懊丧灰心的时候,他仍然能反问自己说:「我的心哪,你为何忧闷?为何在我里面烦躁?

    He had such a deep faith in God that even when he was most discouraged , he could still stay to himself , 'Why are you cast down oh my soul ?

  16. 我一听见这事,就撕裂衣服和外袍,拔了头发和胡须,惊惧忧闷而坐。

    And when I heard this thing , I rent my garment and my mantle , and plucked off the hair of my head and of my beard , and sat down astonied .

  17. 我的神阿,我的心在我里面忧闷。所以我从约旦地,从黑门岭,从米萨山,记念你。

    O my God , my soul is cast down within me : therefore will I remember thee from the land of Jordan , and of the Hermonites , from the hill Mizar .

  18. 我就来到提勒亚毕,住在迦巴鲁河边被掳的人那里,到他们所住的地方,在他们中间忧忧闷闷地坐了七日。

    Then I came to them of the captivity at telabib , that dwelt by the river of chebar , and I sat where they sat , and remained there astonished among them seven days .