
yōu chóu
  • Sorrow;sad;worried;depressed;overcast
忧愁 [yōu chóu]
  • [sad;worried;depressed] 忧虑愁苦

  • 忧愁满面

忧愁[yōu chóu]
  1. 你很忧愁离开这里而去重新开始,是吗?

    Are you sad to leave this place and start anew ?

  2. 我的孩子似乎很忧愁;他得了忧郁症吗?

    My child seems sad ; is he suffering from depression ?

  3. 她的眼神显露出忧愁。

    Her worry showed in her eyes .

  4. 忧愁满面。

    Mourning is all over one 's face .

  5. 该是你摆脱忧愁的情绪,开始快活的时候了。

    It 's about time you cast off that feeling of gloom and began to enjoy yourself .

  6. 我的忧愁,当她和我在一起,

    My sorrow , when she 's here with me ,

  7. 他试图驱除心中的忧愁。

    He tried to banish gloom from his thought .

  8. 我暂时忘掉了过去积聚的忧愁和烦躁

    For a time I have forgotten the worries and irritations I was nurturing before .

  9. 忧愁在我心中沉寂平静,正如黄昏在寂静的林中。

    Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees .

  10. 战胜忧愁的两个最有效方法是锻炼和与宠物为伴。

    The two most effective treatments for battling depression are exercise and spending time with the pets .

  11. 除凯文·斯派西(KevinSpacey)与罗宾·怀特(RobinWright)外,曾出演《忧愁河上桥》(Treme)的基姆·迪金斯(KimDickens)亦加盟该剧,“PussyRiot”的两位成员亦有客座出演。

    Kim Dickens of " Treme " joins Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright in the cast , and two members of Pussy Riot will make a guest appearance .

  12. 哈里顿象往常一样忧愁地坐在壁炉旁边。

    Earnshaw sat , morose as usual , at the chimney-corner .

  13. 他自己在犯愁,因此别人的忧愁也变得显而易见了。

    In his worry , other people 's worries became apparent .

  14. 这本小册子就是献给您和被忧愁所笼罩的人。

    It is dedicated to you and to those who worry .

  15. 难怪,圣经说,他忧忧愁愁地走了。

    No wonder the Bible says that he went away sorrowful .

  16. 我很不愿意看到她那么忧愁。

    I hate , to know that she was so sad .

  17. 你知道,忧愁的最佳疗法是另外一个人。

    You know the best cure for worry is another person .

  18. 他满面忧愁的看着男孩。

    His face was sad as he looked at the boy .

  19. 要比忍受恨的公开伤害更令人忧愁。

    To bear love 's wrong than hate 's known injury .

  20. 而且这个人可能也是造成忧愁的最大原因。

    And that 's also probably the biggest cause for worry .

  21. 或许我命中注定只是一个忧愁的老处女。

    Maybe I am destined to be a sad old spinster .

  22. 我们应该分担忧愁,分享快乐。(我们应该同甘共苦)。

    We should share in our sorrows as well as joys .

  23. 时间和忧愁已在他的额头刻下深深的皱纹。

    Time and sorrow had ploughed deep furrows on his brow .

  24. 相反,我们都可以释放心灵,缓解忧愁。

    It is rather a relief and disburdening of the mind ;

  25. 如果她们没有快乐,她们的确很忧愁。

    They 're sad indeed , if they bring no joy .

  26. 因此,我决定制作一个忧愁的女孩。

    So , I decided to create a sad girl .

  27. 并且积蓄了不止一点点忧愁。

    I have stored up not a little of worry .

  28. 他早年饱尝过穷困和忧愁。

    He knew poverty and sorrow in his early days .

  29. 变成了形容词,担心的,忧愁的。

    What about you listener friends , what do you worry about ?

  30. 总有两天我们远离畏惧和忧愁。

    Two days which should be kept free from fear and appre'hension .