
  • 网络What is Education
  1. 《什么是教育》是其关于教育论述的代表作之一。

    What is education was one of his representative works on educational exposition .

  2. 我也明白什么是教育。

    I also understand what is education .

  3. 本文论述了计算机支持环境在教育软件开发中的重要性,描述了什么是教育软件支持环境ESSE,同时勾勒了一个ESSE的模型。

    This thesis discusses how important the computer support environment is in educational software development . It describes what the EESE ( Educational Software Support Environment ) is and outlines the model environment of ESSE , with a view to discussing with our readers .

  4. 什么是教育计划的当前日历为电影系列的抵押品呢?

    What is the current calendar for the film series and collateral Educational Program ?

  5. 什么是教育信托认证计划?

    What is EduTrust Certification Scheme ?

  6. 什么是教育资源?

    What is education resources ?

  7. 什么是教育技术?

    What is Educational Technology ?

  8. 什么是教育史研究?&以外国教育史研究为例

    What Is the Research on Educational History ? & Take the Example of Foreign Educational History Research

  9. 什么是教育?教育是生命的一个过程,并非是未来生活的准备。

    I believe that education , therefore , is a process of living and not a preparation for future living .

  10. 于是,接下来的问题就包括,什么是教育管理理论的知识论基础?

    In these epistemological bases , we take for which as the scientific base to build the scientific educational administration theory ?

  11. 叶圣陶先生曾经说过,什么是教育?简单一句话,就是养成习惯。

    Mr. Ye Sheng Tao had once spoken ", what had been education ? The simplicity is to form a habit in a word " .

  12. 各章内容具体如下:第一章:什么是教育管理的伦理基础。

    The main topics of each chapter are summarized in the following paragraphs : The first chapter : What are ethical foundations of educational administration ?

  13. 研究了教育情感的概念,为更为清晰地知道什么是教育情感,分别于教学机智和教育精神作了对比研究,找出它们的区别与联系。

    The emotional education is studied . To know what is education emotion clearly , compare the teaching wit with spirit education to find their difference .

  14. 教学是什么是教育的一个基本问题,对这个问题的不同理解直接影响教师的教学过程与行为,乃至教学效果,进而影响新一轮课程改革实施的效果。

    " What is teaching " is a basic problem of education . Different understanding to this question influence the teacher 's teaching course and behavior directly , influence the teacher 's teaching result directly , this influence the implementation of one round of courses reform directly .

  15. 我知道什么是家庭式教育,我不是智障。

    I know what home-school is . I 'm not retarded .

  16. 什么是美术教育价值取向?

    What does the value tropism of art education mean ?

  17. 什么是发展教育学?&关于发展教育学及其研究的若干设想

    What Is Development Education ? & Some Ideas About Development education And Related Studies

  18. 然而,什么是受教育权?

    Nevertheless , what is such a right ?

  19. 那么,究竟什么是情感教育呢?

    So , what is emotion education indeed ?

  20. 什么是现代教育技术?

    What is a modern education technique ?

  21. 什么是职业教育和培训?

    What is vocational and technical education ?

  22. 什么是私立教育制度法案?

    What is the Private Education Act ?

  23. 什么是私立教育学院学生合同?

    What is the PEI Student Contract ?

  24. 什么是职业教育,这是现代职教中必须弄清楚的一个基本问题。

    What vocational education means is a basic question people must make sure in modem education .

  25. 然而,一些基本问题例如什么是双语教育(教学)?

    However , some of the arguments concerning bilingual teaching and bilingual education remain to be unclear and inconsistent .

  26. 论文首先阐述了什么是青春期教育、青春期教育的重要性和意义,以及青春期教育与思想政治教育的关系;

    In this paper , I firstly expatiate what 's the adolescent education , and the importance and significance of actualizing adolescent education .

  27. 结果①对健康教育的认知情况,43.06%的患者不了解什么是健康教育,90.28%的患者希望获得健康教育,而且不同透析程患者获得健康教育的愿望程度差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

    Results ① The knowledge of health education : 90.28 % patients hoped to get health education but 43.06 % patients knew little of it .

  28. 认识文学教育,主要是结合文学的本质从理论上阐述什么是文学教育,文学教育的本质、功能及它与语文教育的关系等。

    As to awareness of literature education , the author clarifies its definition , essence , function , and its relationship with Chinese education theoretically .

  29. 因此,奥林匹克教育是奥林匹克运动的重要组成部分,从以下4个方面论述奥林匹克教育:什么是奥林匹克教育;

    Therefore , the Olympic education is an important part of the Olympic movement . This article discusses the Olympic education from 4 aspects as follows : What is the Olympic education ;

  30. 什么是远程开放教育的推动力?

    What is the impetus for open and distance education ?