
dì èr xìng
  • secondary
  1. 物质是第一性的,精神是第二性的。

    Matter is primary and mind is secondary .

  2. 结果治疗期间可见第二性征发育减退、月经被抑制、增高的血清E2水平降到青春前期水平,生长速率减慢和骨过度成熟被抑制。

    Results The secondary sexual development was regressed with interruption of their menses . The serum E 2 levels decreased to prepubertal levels and their growth velocity declined with deceleration of their bone maturation .

  3. 结果(1)替代治疗后,睾酮水平明显升高,第二性征明显发育,身高、握力、血红蛋白显著增加(P值均<0.05);

    Results ( 1 ) The serum testosterone , penile growth , height , hand wrest strength , and hemoglobin were increased after androgen replacement ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 染色体检查均为XX核型,第二性征发育正常。

    Their chromosome presented XX and development of second sexual signs were normal .

  5. 结果:两种激素随年龄和第二性征发育而增高,月经初潮组的E2、T均值高于未初潮组。

    Results : The two hormones were increasing with age and second sex character .

  6. 患者血ACTH异常升高,而血皮质醇、性激素水平极低,血清17-羟孕酮降低。结果10例患者均存在第二性征不发育、高血压、低血钾;

    Results Three patients presenting hypertension , hypokalemia and sexual infantilism had abnormally high levels of ACTH , low levels of cortisol and sex steroids , low levels of 17-hydroxyprogesterone .

  7. 采用问卷调查法收集一般情况、膳食营养摄入、体力活动状况等指标,并检查其体格发育和第二性征发育状况。采用双能X线吸收仪(DEXA)测量全身、桡骨和前臂的骨量。

    Measurements included dietary intake , physical activity , anthropometry , pubertal stage , and bone mineral measurements ( dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry , DEXA ) .

  8. 治疗前后分别进行生长速率、第二性征、骨龄的测定,子宫卵巢成熟度测定以及达必佳(LHRH)激发实验。

    The growth speed , secondary sexual characteristics , bone age , LHRH inspire experiment , ultrasonic measurement of uterus volume and ovarian follicle size and forecast target of height were separately tested before and after treatment .

  9. 目前常用方法是青春期时给予性激素替代治疗改善第二性征,在有生育需求时给予促性腺激素类似物如人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)和人绝经期促性腺激素(hMG)治疗。

    At present , the frequently used treatment is to give sex steroid replacement therapy improving the secondary sexual characteristics at adolescence and start gonadotropin replacement therapy when fertility is demanded . Human chorionic gonadotropin ( hCG ) and human menopausal gonadotropin ( hMG ) are usually used .

  10. 其他激素水平维持正常时,缺乏不同垂体激素的MPHD患儿应用促性腺激素替代疗法后性激素水平和第二性征发育变化无明显差异。

    When other hormone level had been maintained normal , the sex hormone level and secondary sexual characteristics changes has no significant difference between those with different pituitary hormones deficiency MPHD children .

  11. 他挑战洛克关于物质第一性和第二性的理论。

    He challenges Locke 's theory of primary and secondary qualities .

  12. 鸣唱是许多鸟类的重要的雄性第二性征之一。

    Song is one of important secondary sexual characters of birds .

  13. 低沉的声音和胡须是第二性征。

    A deep voice and facial hair are secondary sexual characteristics .

  14. 酮康唑对第二性征和激素变化均不明显;

    Ketoconazole was not of obvious changes in sexual sign and serum hormone ;

  15. 这种依附意识表明:她们的写作中仍残留着男性意识的印记,带有浓厚的第二性意识。

    This attachment shows that there still is male authority in their works .

  16. 物质是第一性的,意识是第二性的。

    Matter is primary and conciousness is secondary .

  17. 关于第一性第二性的命名,波义耳和约翰洛克之间还有一段著名的小插曲。

    That name incident primary and secondary is most famously associated with John Locke .

  18. 不同孵化温度对雏番鸭第二性比及孵化率的影响研究

    Effects of different incubation temperatures on the secondary sex ratio and hatchability of muscovy

  19. 相信阶级和组织机构是第二性的、派生的&约翰·杜威。

    The belief that classes and organizations are secondary and derived - John Dewey .

  20. 维吾尔语中的第二性副动词形式

    About a Verbal Form in the Uigur Language

  21. 而女性成了第二性,以致失去了自己在历史中应有的地位。

    Therefore , women have become secondary and lost their proper seats in history .

  22. 很明显,青春期正常发育和第二性症的维持都需要瘦素。

    Leptin is clearly required for appropriate pubertal development and maintenance of secondary sexual characteristics .

  23. 从上幼儿园到研究生院,美国的男学生正变成弱势的“第二性”。

    From kindergarten to grad school , American boy 's are becoming the second sex .

  24. 都属于第二性,第二性就是通过五官察觉到的感觉特质。

    The secondary qualities , the sensory qualities that we detect through our five senses .

  25. 3组儿童按实足年龄、身高、第二性征进行1∶1∶1匹配,得到有效数据男童81人(27对),女童78人(26对)。

    The three groups were 1:1:1 matched on chronological age , height and secondary sexual characteristics .

  26. 波伏娃在《第二性》中呼吁女性在困境中寻找出路。

    Beauvoir appeals women to seek their fortune in difficulties in " the second sex " .

  27. 植物的第二性征肾上腺性征综合症

    Secondary sex characters in plants

  28. 笔者将住宅的围护体根据室内和室外两种不同的观察角度,分为界面第一性和第二性。

    According to different angle , from interior , author call residence encircle-spaces as boundary first aspect .

  29. 第一性的质和第二性的质

    Primary and secondary qualities

  30. 试验研究了6种放牧强度对牦牛生长及草地第二性生产力的影响。

    The effect of 6 grazing intensities on growth of yak and the secondary productivity of sward was studi-ed.