
  • 网络the first man;First Person;first guy;first
  1. “你是谁?”他问第一个人。

    ' Who are you ? ' he enquired of the first man

  2. 他是我想见的第一个人。

    He is the first man that I want to see .

  3. 多数人与诊所接触的第一个人是接待员。

    The receptionist is the first point of contact most people have with the clinic .

  4. 除了纽约,这是我到过的第一个人们确实住在市中心的美国城市。

    This was , New York apart , the first American city I had ever been in where people actually lived downtown .

  5. "打扰一下,你能不能帮我买…..?"安吉拉轻声对她遇到的第一个人说。

    " Ex-cuse me , Could y-o-u pl-ea-sebuy ... ? " said Angela softly to the first person she met .

  6. 第一个人快速走开,然后爆炸。

    The first member walks away quickly and then explodes .

  7. 第一个人说:“还好没有捕更多,不然就更亏本了,每一条鱼要两千块美金啊!”

    The first person then said , " Good thing we didn 't catch more , or the costs would have been even higher . Two thousand dollars for one fish ! "

  8. 不久又来了一个人,付了钱并得到了相同的待遇。十五分钟后,这两个人一起向河的下游漂去。第一个人说:“不知道他们这次巡航游是否提供食物。”

    Fifteen minutes later , as the two are floating down the river together , the first man says , " I wonder if they 're serving any food on this cruise . "

  9. 假定某个用户需要从XML输入流中获得第一个人的元素值,AXIOM构建的对象模型将一直包含到元素结束的内容,而让其他内容保留在流中

    Suppose a user needs to get the value of element of the first person from an XML input stream , AXIOM builds the object model up to the end of element and leaves the rest in the stream

  10. 自从1987年Holland和Arthur在圣塔菲研究所开创了人工股票市场研究领域和1994年Palmer建立了第一个人工股票市场以来,众多的学者从不同的角度开始从事人工股票市场的研究。

    Since the initial works about artificial stock market are proposed by Holland and Arthur in Santa Fe in 1987 , and the first stock market structured by Palmer in 1994 , more and more scholars have begun to study on the artificial stock market from different point of view .

  11. 他是我今天早上见到的第一个人。

    He is the first person that I met this morning .

  12. 第一个人说:“上帝对我说的!”

    The first inmate said , " God told me ! "

  13. 他会是第一个人进那门的。

    He 'd be the first one through that door .

  14. 他是我们在那个村子里看到的第一个人。

    He was the first man that we saw in the village .

  15. 第一个人说:“是秘密警察政治保安处的”。

    The first man said : 'security police-special branch ' .

  16. 信不信杀第一个人时我吐了?

    I threw up on the first one , you believe that ?

  17. 你是我要见的第一个人。

    You are the first person that I want to ask for .

  18. 你最好是他见到的第一个人。

    It 's better if you 're the first one he sees .

  19. 第一个人是什么时候登上月球的?

    When did the first person land on the moon ?

  20. 它在地球上把第一个人告诉她。

    It tells her about the first people on earth .

  21. 他也是发现电的第一个人。

    He was also the first man to discover electricity .

  22. 第一个人马上放手,风筝就会马上飞起来了。

    The first personal immediately to let go kite will be flying .

  23. 大概要使第一个人穿得暖和一些吧!

    Probably to succeed in clothing the first more warmly .

  24. 第一个人说要和你讲。

    The first person said I should talk to you .

  25. “标本是用什么填充的?”第一个人问。

    " What 's he stuffed with ," asked the visiting hunter .

  26. 他是我救的第一个人,十岁。

    He was my first save , ten years old .

  27. 被采访者回答:是的,我雇用的第一个人就是这样的。

    He was one of the smartest people I have ever known .

  28. 然后问第一个人我们见面的人这地方究竟在哪里:

    then ask the first man we met where the place was :

  29. 他是在太空漫步的第一个人。

    He was the first man to walk in space .

  30. 璇-是个小角色,我是何超仪杀死的第一个人。

    I 'm one of the first people Josie kills .