
dì èr tī duì
  • second echelon
  1. 然而,就全国范围来看,山东省的外贸排名一直处在第二梯队的位置,同山东省的经济发展水平不相协调。

    However , the development of foreign trade of Shandong in the national rankings has been in the position of the second echelon , not in harmony with the economic development .

  2. 这样,你有机会可以安装在您的计算机上,并使用一个特殊的计划,该计划将发挥作用的“第二梯队”,为您的数据安全。

    Thus , you have an opportunity to install on your computer and use a special program , which would play a role of a " second echelon " for your data security .

  3. 但2016年迄今,在创造性地发现问题方面,我更看好的是韩国LG。虽然是一家受人尊敬的公司,但LG在韩国的大企业中只屈居第二梯队。

    But my 2016-so-far award for inventive problem finding has to go to LG , South Korea 's estimable , but second-ranking chaebol .

  4. 正如NCAA为他们的广大第二梯队学校所考虑的,一些专家认为,比起禁止铝棒,还是制作护头装备要更有效且容易实现。

    Rather than banning aluminum bats – which the NCAA is considering for its Division II schools – some experts believe headgear would be more effective and easier to implement .

  5. 2-3家拥有一流品牌的公司占据了品牌、客户量或人力资源能力的优势,IPS公司通过迅速的发展,保持了第二梯队的领先地位并有机会向第一梯队挑战。

    Two to three companies from the top take over the advantage of brand , user volume or human resource capacity , while IPS , by means of fast developing , keeps the first rank in second ladder and may have the opportunity to challenge the top-grade .

  6. 此后,新的酒店依然层出不穷&只是如今都排在了第二梯队,不能紧挨着海滩了。

    But hotels keep going up & now in a second row , back away from the beach .

  7. 在美国公司,曾经位居第二梯队的人力资源经理们,如今也能跻身高收入人群之列。

    Human-resource managers , once second-tier figures , now often rank among the highest-paid people at American firms ;

  8. 由于处在第二梯队的会计师事务所缺乏竞争所需的专业技能和资源,大公司不可能用它们来替代四大。

    Large companies cannot replace a big four auditor with a second-tier firm because they lack the expertise and resources to compete .

  9. 第二梯队的国家所做没有完全满足要求,但是这些国家在做出进步。

    Countries in the second tier [ till ] do not fully meet [ need ] the requirements but are working to improve .

  10. 预计将有更多第二梯队的中国企业跟随奇虎360,离开美国,在国内或香港上市。

    More second-tier Chinese companies are expected to follow suit and leave the US behind in favour of domestic or Hong Kong listings .

  11. 因此,我们看到的技术突破之间的生产者的记忆体在第一和第二梯队的增加而每个月。

    Thus , we see that the technological break between the producers of memory inthe first and second echelons increases with each month .

  12. 与此相生相随的是,国家越来越繁荣,大学也越来越兴旺&包括那些第二梯队大学。

    While this was happening , the country became more prosperous , and giving to colleges including those below the glamour level shot up .

  13. 在第二梯队的品牌如金星啤酒、重庆啤酒、珠江啤酒和哈尔滨啤酒等,它们也积极布局全国市场。

    In the second team of beer brands such as Venus , Chongqing Beer , Zhujiang Beer and Harbin beer , they also actively layout of the national market .

  14. 津巴布韦、利兹和老挝从去年的最差国家,今年进入第二梯队。

    Zimbabwe , Belize and Laos were listed among on the worst offenders in last year 's report , but are now in the second tier [ till ] group .

  15. 基于对财政政策和货币政策作用特点的认识,中国在扩大内需的初期让财政政策打头阵,让货币政策充当第二梯队,这样一种政策组合是正确的。

    Based on the role of fiscal and monetary policy , China has taken the fiscal policy as the first choice and monetary policy as the second choice in fighting against deflation .

  16. 但是西部的第二梯队球队的实力也是不容小觑而值得一提的,我们猜想会有七支球队会至少获得47场以上的胜利。

    But the second tier of the West is deep and potent enough to rate a mention here , as our voters have guesstimated that seven teams will win47 or more games .

  17. 联想的撤出反映了移动电话行业竞争之激烈。位于第二梯队的厂商发现,要想与市场领袖诺基亚等公司的规模经济和迅速的产品开发相竞争,难度越来越大。

    Lenovo 's retreat reflects the intensity of competition in the mobile phone business , where second-tier vendors have found it increasingly difficult to compete with the economies of scale and rapid product development exemplified by market leader Nokia .

  18. 自本周19大银行的测试结果公布以来,监管机构和投资者增强了对第二梯队银行的关注,担心一旦经济状况恶化,其中一些银行可能难以幸免。

    Since this month 's release of the tests for the 19 largest banks , regulators and investors have increased their focus on the next tier of lenders , amid concerns some of them might struggle to survive if the economy worsens .

  19. 不过,崔大林列举了若干原因,说明中国为何仍应被视为落后于美俄的第二梯队。这些原因包括一些关键项目的竞赛规则出现变更,以及一些中国实力薄弱的新赛项的引入。

    However , Mr Cui cited several reasons why China should still be considered a second-tier sporting power behind the US and Russia , including rule changes in some key sports , and the introduction of new disciplines in which China was weak .

  20. 2004年,中国银行和中国建设银行两家国有商业银行股份制改造的正式启动,使素有银行业第二梯队之称的股份制商业银行备感压力。

    In 2004 , the Bank of China and the Chinese construction bank two state-owned commercial banks joint stock system transformation official start , causes the stock-holding commercial banks that is named " the second echelon " in the field of banks feeling pressure .