
  • 网络Prolonged second stage;Prolonged second stage of labor
  1. 导致第二产程延长的原因及其处理的探讨

    Study on causes and management of prolonged second stage of labour

  2. 结论第二产程延长导致产妇病率明显增高。

    Conclusion A prolonged second stage resulted in a higher rate of maternal morbidity .

  3. RⅡ,B组的第二产程延长161%,183%,RⅠ组无产程延长。

    The second birth process of the R ⅱ and B groups was prolonged by 16.1 % and 18.3 % , while that of R ⅰ group was not prolonged .

  4. 滞产、第二产程延长者新生儿窒息率经统计学处理明显高于正常产程与第二产程正常的新生儿窒息率(P0.01)。

    And compared with natural process of labor , in presence of prolonged labor and prolonged second stage of labor , the incidence rate of neonatal asphyxia rate increased significantly ( P0.01 ) .

  5. 目的研究第二产程延长的危险因素,评价第二产程延长产妇的母儿预后情况。

    Objective To study risk factors for a prolonged second stage of labor and to evaluate the maternal and neonatal outcomes of such pregnancies .

  6. 结果经过半年的努力,第二产程延长的发生率明显降低,各项相关的产科质量也得到提高。

    Results After half a year 's endeavor , prolongation of the second labor stage was significantly decreased and the related obstetric quality was improved .

  7. 【结果】两组在宫高、腹围、妊娠糖尿病、多产、新生儿体重、第二产程延长,产后出血,软产道损伤及新生儿损伤等方面差异有显著性(P<0.01)。

    【 Results 】 There were significant differences of the two groups in height of the uterus , fetal abdominal circumference , gestational diabetes , fecundity , newborns'weight , prolonged second stage of labour , assisted vaginal delivery , postpartum hemorrhage , injury of soft birth canal and newborn damage .

  8. B组运动阻滞程度明显高于其它两组P<0.01,第一产程和第二产程虽延长,但均未超过常规时间。

    The degree of motor block in the group R was less than that in the group B ( P < 0.01 ) . The first and the second duration of labour in the group R and B were prolonged , but it did not exceed the routine time .