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  • application method
  1. 结论:对抗ACH解痉作用是中药循经敷贴法治疗哮喘的机制之一,并有一定的时效关系。

    Conclusion : Anti-acetylcholine and relaxing tracheal constriction may be one of the mechanisms of herbal penetration treatment along meridians for asthma , and there is a time-effect relationship .

  2. 本文介绍了~(32)磷~(32)Phosphorus敷贴法Superficialtherapy治疗单疱性角膜炎herpessimplerkeratitis10例,临床观察收到一定效果,其中显效与良好者9例,进步者1例。

    The present paper is concerned with 10 cases of herpes simpler keratitis treated by superficial therapy with ~ ( 32 ) phosphorus . The clinical observation showed certain effect in every case : 9 notable and well , and 1 advance .

  3. 目的:观察中药循经敷贴法对豚鼠哮喘潜伏期的影响,以及含药血清对抗氯化乙酰胆碱(Ach)的作用。

    Objective : To observe the effect of herbal penetration treatment along channel for the latent period of asthmatic attack in guinea pig and the affection of herbal containing serum against acetylcholine ( Ach ) .

  4. 中药循经敷贴法预防哮喘作用的血清药理学研究

    Serologic Pharmacological Study on Herbal Penetration along Meridians Therapy for Preventing Asthma

  5. 穴位敷贴法治疗良性前列腺增生

    Clinical Research on Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Therapy of Point Sticking

  6. 结论:中药循经敷贴法具有预防哮喘作用。

    SPLIT-PHASE METHOD Conclusion : Herbal penetration along meridians therapy has the effect of preventing asthma .

  7. 结果:中药循经敷贴法能对抗豚鼠的致敏哮喘,延长哮喘潜伏时间;

    Results : Herbal penetration treatment could inhibit sensitized asthma , extend the latent period of asthmatic attack .

  8. ~(90)Sr-~(90)Y敷贴法治疗尖锐湿疣的疗效评价

    The Curative Effect of ~ ( 90 ) Sr - ~ ( 90 ) Y Applicator in Treating Condyloma Acuminatum

  9. 目的:通过血清药理学研究方法,探讨中药循经敷贴法预防哮喘的作用。

    Objective : Serologic pharmacological test was used to study the effect of herbal penetration along meridians therapy to prevent asthma .

  10. 从散剂外敷法、膏药敷贴法、局部涂擦法、脐疗法、透皮疗法等方面总结中医药外治癌性疼痛的研究进展。

    The paper summarized the progress in treatment of cancer pain with external treatment of TCM , from these aspects , such as paving with pulvis , application method of sticking plaster , local inunction , omphalo-therapy , and so on .