
  • Sanyinjiao;san yin chiao
  1. 针刺三阴交的PET脑功能研究

    Research on Effect of Acupuncture at Sanyinjiao on Brain Function by Means of Positron Emission Tomographic Imaging

  2. 针灸选穴:以G4区双(对耳屏内侧)、三阴交双、肾俞双为主穴,辅以随证配穴。

    Choose the acupoints : " G4 " area ( Antitragus-double ), Sanyinjiao ( SP6-double ) and Shenshu ( BL2 . rdouble ) were the main points , modified according to syndrome differetiation .

  3. 随机分为针灸组和穴位注射组,以G4区双(对耳屏内侧)、三阴交(双侧)、关元为主穴,辅以足三里为配穴。

    They were divided into two groups at random : Acupuncture Group and Acupoint-injection Group . Choose the main acupoints : " G_4 " area ( Antitragos-double ), Sanyingjiao ( SP6-double ) and Guanyuan ( RN4 ), with Zusanli ( ST36 ) according to syndrome differentiation .

  4. 电针组各时间点与相应对照组比较均有显著差异(P0.01)。结论:电针神门、三阴交穴对大鼠有镇静催眠作用。

    All of electroacupuncture groups had significant differences from the homologous blank control groups ( P0.01 ) . Conclusions : ( 1 ) Electroacupuncture on acupoints of Shenmen ( HT7 ) and Sanyinjiao ( SP6 ) has sedative and hypnosis efficacy .

  5. 方法选健康成年Wistar大鼠36只,分正常对照组、模型对照组、合谷组、三阴交组、合谷加三阴交组(除正常对照组外,余全部为晚孕大鼠)。

    Method 36 healthy adult Wistar rats were divided into normal control group , model control group , hegu group , sanyinjiao group , and hegu plus sanyinjiao group ( except for those in the normal control group , all rats were in pregnancy at late stage );

  6. 结论:1.逆针灸三阴交穴可以直接或间接的促进雌激素的合成,在一定程度上缓解去卵巢后机体的低雌激素状态,对HPO轴的功能紊乱具有减缓、抵抗的保护作用。

    The preventive acupuncture and moxibustion at Sanyinjiao ( SP6 ) points can promote the secretion of estrogen directly or indirectly , increase the low estrogen level , and protective the dysfunction of HPO axis . 2 .

  7. 对照组取关元、地机、三阴交。

    Control group takes Guanyuan , ti chi , and Sanyinjiao .

  8. 悬灸三阴交治疗胎位不正临床观察灸治痼疾心得霍尔蒙古灸考

    Clinical Observations on Treatment of Fetal Malposition by Suspended Moxibustion over Sanyinjiao

  9. 最常使用排名前三位的腧穴是:关元、神阙、三阴交/中极。

    The first three commonly used acupoints are GuanYuan , ShenQue , SanYinJiao .

  10. 黄芪注射液三阴交注射治疗动力性尿潴留的研究

    A study about using the astragalus injection to cure the dynamo-uroschesis by three yins injection

  11. 针灸三阴交穴择时治疗对脾阳虚家兔免疫功能的影响

    Influence of Timing Acupuncture and Moxibustion on Immune Functions of Rabbits with Insufficiency of the Spleen-yang

  12. 实验组35例,在常规护理干预的基础上采用黄芪注射液于三阴交穴位注射;

    There were 35 patients in the experimental group and the astragalus injection was used for them .

  13. 目的探讨黄芪注射液三阴交穴位注射治疗动力性尿潴留的效果。

    Objective To study the effects of using the astragalus injection to cure the dynamo-uroschesis by three yins injection .

  14. 目的:探讨针刺三阴交治疗痛经的中枢作用机制。

    Objective To investigate the central modulating mechanism of acupuncture at Sanyinjiao ( SP 6 ) in treatment of primary dysmenorrhea .

  15. 双侧足三里穴和双侧三阴交穴针柄分别纵向接电针仪导线。

    The needle handles of the double sides of Zusanli point and Sanyinjiao point are respectively connected with cupping apparatus conductor lengthways .

  16. 火针刺血疗法的临床应用心得针灸组给予单纯针灸治疗,用普通手法针刺足三里、环跳、阳陵泉、三阴交。

    The clinical application of bleeding - acupuncture with fire needle The patients in the acupuncture group were treated with simple needle therapy .

  17. 表明针刺合谷、三阴交两穴具有镇痛、减少人工流产反应的作用,在针刺的临床研究中设立安慰针作为对照是必要的。

    It is indicated that acupuncture at Hegu ( LI4 ) and Sanyinjiao ( SP6 ) points have analgesic effect and reduces reaction of induced abortion .

  18. 选穴以足三里、三阴交等具有补益作用的穴位为主,有温补的作用,适用于治疗虚寒病症。

    Point selection mainly with Zusanli ( ST36 ) and Sanyinjiao ( SP6 ) which has effect on benefit action is used for treatment of deficiency-cold syndrome .

  19. 阴虚风动:另取太溪,三阴交,照海。随症取穴:除上述体针穴位如语言不利:另取舌三针,哑门,廉泉。

    Acupoints with the disease : In addition to the body acupuncture points , such as language disadvantage : tongue three needles , Yamen , Lian Quan .

  20. 造模成功后,对针刺治疗组进行针刺足三里、三阴交,每天同一时间,每次20分钟。

    After the modeling of needle acupuncture group " Zusanli ", " Sanyinjiao ", at the same time every day , every 20 minutes , for 14 days .

  21. 分析表明电针关元、三阴交穴可以缓解围绝经期综合征患者临床症状,提高患者的生活质量。

    The analyses indicate that electroacupuncture of points Guanyuan and Sanyinjiao can relieve the clinical symptoms in the patients with peri-climacteric syndrome and improve the patient 's quality of life .

  22. 电针足三里三阴交穴对胶原性关节炎大鼠滑膜细胞分泌功能的影响

    Effect of Electroacupuncture at " Zusanli " ( ST 36 ) and " Sanyinjiao " ( SP 6 ) on Collagen-induced Arthritis and Secretory Function of Knee-joint Synoviocytes in Rats

  23. 肾阳虚:治则温肾扶阳。取穴关元、足三里、肾俞、脾俞、气海、三阴交等。

    Acupoints : GuanYuan , GanShu , ZuSanLi , ShenShu , SanYinJiao , TaiChong , etc.5 . Kidney Yang vacuity : treatment based on warming the kidney and aiding the yang .

  24. 逆针灸三阴交穴可以通过调节雌激素受体的水平,提高雌激素的生物学效应,从而起到保护雌激素相应靶器官的作用。

    The preventive acupuncture and moxibustion at Sanyinjiao ( SP6 ) points can regulate ER lever , improve the biological effects of estrogen , and protect the estrogen target organs . 3 .

  25. 温和灸中极、三阴交双、次髎双双穴能有效改善原发性痛经模型大鼠的扭体反应,即对原发性痛经有较好的治疗效果。

    Mild moxibustion in double , double , Sanyinjiao Ciliao acupoint therapy can effectively improve the Primary Dysmenorrhea Rats writhing reaction , namely on primary dysmenorrhea have better therapeutic effect . 3 .

  26. 结论黄芪注射液三阴交穴位注射治疗动力性尿潴留是一种解除尿潴留的有效方法,可减轻患者的痛苦,减少导尿及导尿所致的并发症。

    Conclusion It is an effective method of using the astragalus injection to cure the dynamo-uroschesis , which can ameliorate the pain of patients , and then reduce the incidence rate of complications .

  27. 目的通过动物实验探讨合谷、三阴交穴不同留针时间的电针刺激组合促分娩作用的内分泌机制。

    Objective To explore the endocrine mechanism of promoting labor through electroacupuncture at Hegu ( LI4 ) and Sanyinjiao ( SP6 ) points with different duration of needle retention in late pregnant rats .

  28. 5实验证明三阴交、中脘、丰隆三穴配伍,对肥胖大鼠有明显的减肥作用,可作为减肥的常用处方,为临床治疗肥胖提供了科学依据。

    Experiments show . " Sanyinjiao Zhongwan , Fenglong ," three points compatibility of obese rats obvious weight loss , weight loss can be used as prescription for the clinical treatment of obesity and provide a scientific basis .

  29. 结果与结论发现电针关元、三阴交穴对改善围绝经期患者临床症状有明显统计学差异,临床有效率达93.94%。

    Results and conclusion The results showed that there was a significant difference in the clinical symptoms of the patients with peri-climacteric syndrome between before and after electroacupuncture of points Guanyuan and Sanyinjiao and the clinical efficacy rate reached 93.94 % .

  30. 治疗组在中药治疗的基础上给予针刺,主穴选肾俞、三阴交、太溪。配穴:血瘀者配内关、膈俞;气虚配足三里、关元;生殖道炎症配丰隆。

    The treatment group also take acupuncture , the main points are Shenshu , Sanyinjiao , Taixi , add-subtract : blood stasis , add Geshu ; if partial deficiency , add Zusanli , Guanyuan ; genital tract inflammation , add Fenglong .