
fū shè
  • lay;rough in
敷设 [fū shè]
  • [lay] 布设;铺设(管道设施的隐蔽部分)

敷设[fū shè]
  1. 用Casiofx-4000p敷设高等级公路中线

    Using Casio fx-4000P calculator to lay out the center line of high-level road

  2. 他们挖开了路面以便敷设管线。

    They 've had the road up to lay some pipes .

  3. 她学会了自己给房子拉接电线、敷设水管。

    She learned to wire and plumb the house herself .

  4. 水箱和屋顶都需要敷设严密的保温层。

    Water tanks should be well lagged and the roof well insulated .

  5. 第四十五条电器产品、燃气用具的安装或者线路、管路的敷设不符合消防安全技术规定的,责令限期改正;

    Article 45 In case the installation of electrical appliances and gas utensils do not conform to the rules of fire control technology , the person in charge shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit ;

  6. 用变n次抛物线叠加敷设缓和曲线

    Establishment of Transition Curve by a Index Number-Changing Parabola Overlay

  7. 在苏丹Unity电站装置中,其电缆采用电缆桥架敷设方式,该电站装置的136km电缆均沿工艺廊道敷设在桥架内,桥架上下高度变化大,转弯多,施工难度大。

    Cable laying way is with cable bridge at the Unity power station of Sudan .

  8. 基于Profibus网络的电力电缆敷设协同控制系统

    Coordinating control system for laying power cables based on Profibus network

  9. 蒸汽管道直埋敷设技术在浦东国际机场A1地块的应用

    Application of the Directly - buried Steam Pipeline Technology

  10. CATV电缆室内敷设技术

    Interior Coaxial-cable Laying Technology of CATV

  11. 高落差敷设XLPE电缆缆芯滑动受力试验

    Test of the Slippage Forces Acting on the Insulated Conductors in XLPE Cables Installed with high drop

  12. OPGW架空敷设技术探讨

    Discussion on installation technology of OPGW

  13. 60km已敷设光纤链路中PMD部分补偿方案

    A Scheme of Polarization Mode Dispersion Partial Compensation in 60 km Installed Fiber Cable Links

  14. COW清洗工艺是通过临时敷设的循环系统,采用与待清洗油罐中油品相同的清洁油,循环冲洗、溶解,达到清罐的目的。

    COW washing technology is adopting through temporary laid circulatory system and adopting identical clean oil , circulating to wash , to dissolve , reach the purpose of clearing tank .

  15. 35kV交联电缆敷设试验与试验终端的应用

    After-installation test of 35 kV XLPE cables and the application of test termination

  16. 35kV及以下电力电缆直埋敷设的有关事项

    Matters needing attention during direct burial of power cables up to 35 kV

  17. 110kV跨海桥梁电缆的敷设

    Installation of 110 kV cables on sea-crossing bridges

  18. 上海长江桥隧工程敷设220kV电缆的设计要点

    The Design Philosophy of 220 kV Power Cable Laying in Shanghai Changjiang Bridge & Tunnel Project

  19. 长期以来,机械设备中的管路敷设设计(PLD)主要是由人工完成,这使管路敷设设计很大程度上依赖人的实践经验。

    For a long time , the manual completes the pipeline laying design of mechinery equipment , which makes the pipeline laying design relies heavily on the practical experiences .

  20. 根据该方案设计的基金会现场总线无线PC通信卡,很好地解决了控制结点分布广、敷设通信线路困难的生产装置或有移动对象的工业现场的局部网络通信问题。

    The PC Communication Card designed by this method satisfactorily solved the communication problem of local network located in industrial field where the controlling points are distributed widely and the lines of communication are hardly to be laid or have mobile devices .

  21. 针对管路敷设约束条件,本文给出基于预处理模型的约束实现。然后,本文对粒子群算法(PSO)进行深入的研究。

    For pipeline laying constraints , the implement of constraints is proposed based on the pre-processing model in this paper . Then , this paper carried out in-depth research for particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) algorithm .

  22. 计算和实验还表明,即使在垂直敷设的情况下,SF6/N2的混合比随高差的变化也可以忽略不计。

    It is shown that the gas decomposition products in the mixture are quite similar to those in pure SF_6 gas , and the variation of the mixing ratio with elevation can be neglected .

  23. 通过理论计算和击穿试验,提出了建筑物女儿墙暗式避雷带敷设厚度不应大于2cm。

    Through the theory calculate and the breakdown experiment of high voltage , the thickness of the hidden lightning strip of building roof is less than 2 cm .

  24. 发展了一种模态匹配方法进行有均匀流条件下敷设声衬的二维矩形流管中声传播的计算,计算结果与NASA流管实验结果和CAA计算结果符合得很好。

    A mode-match method was developed for calculating the sound propagation in two-dimensional lined rectangular flow duct with uniform flow , the prediction results agree well with the data from NASA flow duct facility and CAA calculation .

  25. 252kV交联聚乙烯电缆高落差敷设

    High fall laying of 252 kV XLPE cable

  26. 通过对ADSS光缆性能分析,确认全绝缘自支撑、架空式光缆在光纤通信中,可以利用电力系统的输电线路作为敷设光缆的架空杆路,实现同杆架设的目的。

    Through the analysis on the performance of ADSS optic-fiber cable , it was clarified that full insulated self-supporting optic-fiber cable could be strung on the same pole for electric power transmission line .

  27. 无源光网络(PON)打破了传统的点到点解决方法,且无源节点的应用,降低了敷设和运行维护的成本,易于升级。

    PON ( passive optical network ) breaks through traditional solution from point to point on optical access network and only passive nodes are involved , so it costs lower in operation and easy to upgrade .

  28. 分析了LCAS协议引入的固定系统延时对SDH网络性能的影响,计算出了延时的临界点,提出了有效敷设LCAS的若干关键问题。

    The impact to SDH network introduced by LCAS - fixed system delay - is proposed , and calculates the critical point of delay , proposes some critical problem when implementing LCAS .

  29. 介绍了北京市部分地下、半地下变电所10kV交联聚乙烯绝缘1600mm2单芯所内同相两根并联电缆的敷设、运行情况。

    The laying modes and running situation of two parallel 10 kV XLPE single-core cables with the same phase at some underground and half-underground substations of Beijing are presented .

  30. 渤海BZ-34油田海底管线敷设中的水声定位技术

    The application of underwater acoustical positioning technology to pipeline laying of sea floor in bz-34 Bohai oil field