
  • 网络facp;control and indicating equipment;fire alarm control unit
  1. 花费之多将是灾难性的。多路火灾报警控制器

    The cost will be ruinous . multiple loop fire alarm control unit

  2. 单路火灾报警控制器

    Single zone fire alarm control unit

  3. 基于Internet的火灾报警控制器远程监控系统

    Internet-based Remote Control System for Fire-alarm Panels

  4. 基于ARM的嵌入式火灾报警控制器的研究

    Research of Fire Alarm Controller for ARM

  5. 在对OSI模型和TCP/IP协议进行仔细分析的基础上,建立了火灾报警控制器远程监控网络的模型。

    The model of fire-alarm panel control network is based on the analysis of OSI model and TCP / IP protocol stack .

  6. JB-TB-99型通用火灾报警控制器

    JB-TB-99 Universal Fire Alarm Controller

  7. 室内选用JB-R21-SG(1020/2系统)联动型火灾报警控制器,集火灾报警和联动控制于一体。

    Indoor selected JB-R21-SG ( 1020 / 2 system ) linkage-type fire alarm controller , fire alarm and set in one linkage control .

  8. 在区域火灾报警控制器中,FM31256芯片的非易失性数据存储器、实时时钟、看门狗等功能,增强系统可靠性。

    The nonvolatile data memory , real-time clock , and watchdog functions of FM31256 chip were adopted by region fire alarm and control device to improve the system reliability .

  9. 火灾报警控制器是火灾报警系统的核心。

    The fire alarm system controller is its core .

  10. 基于ARM&μC/OSII的火灾报警控制器的设计

    The Design of Fire Alarm Controller Based on ARM & μ C / OSII

  11. 火灾报警控制器专用电源的设计

    Design of special-purpose power supply for fir-alarm controller

  12. 设计了火灾报警控制器的远程监控系统。

    And it designs a system to monitor and control fire-alarm panels over the network .

  13. 网络型火灾报警控制器的研究

    Fire Alarm Controller Research Based on Network

  14. 无线火灾报警控制器的研制

    Development of Wireless Fire Alarm Controller

  15. 智能探测器和火灾报警控制器通讯方式的研究

    The Research on the Communication Means of the Intelligent Detector and the Fire Alarm Control Unit

  16. 多路火灾报警控制器防火防盗复合报警器

    Multiple loop fire alarm control unit

  17. 火灾报警控制器由计算机、电源和通信接口组成。

    The fire alarm control units is composed of computer , electrical source , and communication interface .

  18. 集中火灾报警控制器区域火灾报警控制器、火灾探测器等发来的报警信号

    Central fire alarm control unit

  19. 随着新技术的不断发展,对火灾报警控制器联网的要求也越来越高。

    With the continuous development of new technologies , interconnection of fire alarm controller there are increasingly high requirements .

  20. 论述了离子感烟探测器与火灾报警控制器之间接口电路的结构及工作原理。

    Discusses the structure and working principle of the interface circuit between ion sensing smoke detector and fire alarm controller .

  21. 是否在租售区域使用传感器、计时器、及能效装置等来控制电耗?集中火灾报警控制器区域火灾报警控制器、火灾探测器等发来的报警信号

    Are occupancy sensors , timers , and energy efficient fixtures used to control lighting consumption ? central fire alarm control unit

  22. 火灾报警控制器不但要完成本机的报警、联动等功能,还要把报警信息传送到其它报警控制器或系统。

    Fire alarm controller must not only complete the machine alarm linkage , and other functions , but also to send warning messages to other controller or alarm system .

  23. 火灾报警控制器的主要功能是接收并显示由火灾探测器发来的火灾报警信号、监视整个系统的状态和控制联动设备。

    The main functions of fire alarm control units is receive and display fire alarm info from fire detectors , surveillance the state of whole system , and control the linkage units .

  24. 概述了火灾报警控制器的工作原理及其发展以及传统火灾自动报警控制器在工程应用中存在的问题,并就现代火灾自动报警控制器在某些方面的改进方法进行了阐述。

    The operation principle and development of fire alarm controller and the problems of traditional fire autoalarm controller existed in application are summarized . For modern fire autoalarm controller the improvement methods are elaborated .

  25. 该系统采用三层的分布式结构,底层为探测器,中间层为区域火灾报警控制器,最上层为监控主机。

    This system is with a distributed structure of three-level : the bottom level consists of detector , the middle level is composed of local fire controller , and the top level is charged with supervisory host computer .

  26. 配合悬挂式自动灭火系统的研制,本文系统开展了火灾自动报警控制器、联动装置的设计、制作、系统联调和优化。

    Associated with the design of automatic fire extinguishing system , in this dissertation we have completed a system of automatic fire alarm controller and optimized the system . In the past , controllers and alarm systems had been designed separately .

  27. 本文提出了一种由可编程控制器(PLC)控制的火灾自动探测报警控制器。

    This article offers us an instrument of fire auto - alarm controlled by PLC .

  28. 硬件设计是本文一个重点,包括系统总体结构以及火灾探测器和区域报警控制器的结构及功能设计,其中详细论述了火灾探测器主控板的设计。

    Hardware design is an emphasis of this paper , includes the main structure of the system and the function of fire detector and local alarm controller , and introduces the design of a motherboard of the fire detector in details .

  29. 火灾探测器的主要功能是通过传感器探测烟雾、温度和火焰等数据,根据探测算法判断火灾的发生,并向火灾报警控制器发出报警信号。

    The main function of fire detectors is detect smoke , temperature , flame data etc use sensor , judge fire happened base detect arithmetic , and send alarm info to the fire control units .