
  1. 结论采用EC耳脑胶明胶海绵肌筋膜或肌片贴敷法修补上矢状窦破裂出血,简单实用,效果可靠,值得临床推广应用。

    Conclusion Repairing superior sagittal sinus rupture with EC glue is reliable , easy and worth popularizing .

  2. 用落球试验、扫描电镜、X射线衍射、电化学测试等方法对用热熔敷法和火焰喷熔法制取的玻璃涂层性能进行了研究。

    The properties of glass coating prepared by heat deposited method and flame spraying method were studied in this paper using falling ball experiment , SEM , X-ray diffraction and electrochemistry tests etc.

  3. 通过在Fe基自熔合金粉末中添加一定比率的强碳化物形成元素Ti及石墨,采用氩弧熔敷法在中碳钢基体上制备原位形成的TiC颗粒增强Fe基合金复合涂层。

    Using preplaced Fe-based self-flux melting alloy with carbide forming elements Ti as well as graphite , Fe-based alloy composite coating reinforced by in situ TiC particles was produced on the substrate of carbon steel by gas tungsten arc welding ( GTAW ) process .

  4. 挑刺贴敷法鼓膜修补术332耳效果分析

    On results analysis of 332 ears tympanoplasty with pricking-mounting method

  5. 中药贴敷法促进慢性支气管炎急性发作期肺部炎症吸收的观察

    Clinical Effects of Herbal Plaster on Inflammatory Absorption in Chronic Bronchitis of Acute Attack

  6. 胰岛素加利福平湿敷法对糖尿病足的疗效研究

    Study on therapeutical effect of wet dressing with insulin plus rifampin on diabetic foot

  7. 本文报导了激光熔敷法焊接异型件的新技术。

    The laser-cladding techique for welding of thin wires and large workpieces is reported .

  8. 试验证明,热熔敷法在钢质管道内外表面制备玻璃涂层是可行的,玻璃涂层有优异的耐蚀性能。

    The glass coating has excellent anticorrosion property .

  9. 胰岛素、654-2、庆大霉素联合湿敷法治疗糖尿病足的临床研究

    Insulin , Trilogy-2 , Gentamycin Tri-Combined and Wet Compress the Clinical Treatment of Diabetic Foot

  10. 结论采用超声雾化法治疗急性皮炎湿疹效果与湿敷法相当。

    Conclusions Ultrasonic atomization was effective as wet dressing therapy on acute dermatitis and eczema patients .

  11. 窦房结区甲醛湿敷法建立犬窦房结损伤模型

    Establishment of sinoatrial node damage model in canine induced by formaldehyde wet dressing of sinoatrial node aera

  12. 结论抗寒霜穴位贴敷法能有效改善血液循环,提高寒冷中肢端的皮肤温度,减轻冷痛感,并能保持腋温基本恒定。

    Conclusion Point application of anti-cold cream can effectively improve blood circulation , maintain skin temperature of the limbs and axillary temperature under cold conditions , thus reducing cryalgesia and preventing frost injury .

  13. 结论透明质酸酶制剂治疗药物静脉外渗所致肿胀具有良好效果,明显优于临床常用的10%硫酸镁湿敷法,可广泛应用于临床。

    Conclusion hyaluronidase pharmaceutics is effective in treating thew swelling resulting vein infusion leakage and excelled the clinically common used 10 % bitter salt wet packing , it 's could be widely used in clinical practice .

  14. 结论:对抗ACH解痉作用是中药循经敷贴法治疗哮喘的机制之一,并有一定的时效关系。

    Conclusion : Anti-acetylcholine and relaxing tracheal constriction may be one of the mechanisms of herbal penetration treatment along meridians for asthma , and there is a time-effect relationship .

  15. 本文介绍了~(32)磷~(32)Phosphorus敷贴法Superficialtherapy治疗单疱性角膜炎herpessimplerkeratitis10例,临床观察收到一定效果,其中显效与良好者9例,进步者1例。

    The present paper is concerned with 10 cases of herpes simpler keratitis treated by superficial therapy with ~ ( 32 ) phosphorus . The clinical observation showed certain effect in every case : 9 notable and well , and 1 advance .

  16. 目的:观察中药循经敷贴法对豚鼠哮喘潜伏期的影响,以及含药血清对抗氯化乙酰胆碱(Ach)的作用。

    Objective : To observe the effect of herbal penetration treatment along channel for the latent period of asthmatic attack in guinea pig and the affection of herbal containing serum against acetylcholine ( Ach ) .

  17. 中药循经敷贴法预防哮喘作用的血清药理学研究

    Serologic Pharmacological Study on Herbal Penetration along Meridians Therapy for Preventing Asthma

  18. 穴位敷贴法治疗良性前列腺增生

    Clinical Research on Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Therapy of Point Sticking

  19. 结论:中药循经敷贴法具有预防哮喘作用。

    SPLIT-PHASE METHOD Conclusion : Herbal penetration along meridians therapy has the effect of preventing asthma .

  20. 结果:中药循经敷贴法能对抗豚鼠的致敏哮喘,延长哮喘潜伏时间;

    Results : Herbal penetration treatment could inhibit sensitized asthma , extend the latent period of asthmatic attack .

  21. ~(90)Sr-~(90)Y敷贴法治疗尖锐湿疣的疗效评价

    The Curative Effect of ~ ( 90 ) Sr - ~ ( 90 ) Y Applicator in Treating Condyloma Acuminatum

  22. 目的:通过血清药理学研究方法,探讨中药循经敷贴法预防哮喘的作用。

    Objective : Serologic pharmacological test was used to study the effect of herbal penetration along meridians therapy to prevent asthma .

  23. 从散剂外敷法、膏药敷贴法、局部涂擦法、脐疗法、透皮疗法等方面总结中医药外治癌性疼痛的研究进展。

    The paper summarized the progress in treatment of cancer pain with external treatment of TCM , from these aspects , such as paving with pulvis , application method of sticking plaster , local inunction , omphalo-therapy , and so on .

  24. 结论采用中西医结合方法,用中药湿敷结合液氮喷雾法和CO2激光治疗尖锐湿疣,值得推广应用。

    Conclusion It is valuable that extended the therapy integrated tradition Chinese and west medicine of which liquid nitrogen spray and CO2 laser light therapy unite Chinese traditional medicine wet compress .

  25. 本研究采用钳夹固定法及40%福尔马林棉球浸敷窦房结区法,建立家兔病态窦房结模型。

    The clamping fixation method and followed by 40 % formalin cotton pellet was used to immerse the sinus node .