
  • 网络Silver spot;White Mosaic;Mosaic
  1. 温度过低可能会因塑化不均匀而造成局部降解;而如果温度过高的话,则可能引起银斑,其他外观问题以及树脂的分解。

    Lower temperatures may lead to local degradation in properties due to nonuniform plasticization , while higher temperatures tend to cause silver streaking , other appearance problems , and resin decomposition .

  2. 通过F1代自交,对F2代群体叶片斑纹的观测统计,研究银绿斑性状的分离规律。

    The segregation of green mottling character was studied by observation and statistic analysis of the F 2 populations .

  3. 当色素走到毛根部,在银虎斑猫中它被认为是图案形成失败。

    When the pigment goes to the roots , it is considered a pattern-fault in silver tabbies .

  4. 结论乐银煎膏剂治疗斑片状银屑病有效,对小鼠免疫功能有调节作用及具有抗有丝分裂作用和微弱的抗肿瘤作用。

    Conclusion The cream was effective on psoriasis enplaques and can regulate the action of immunity , inhibit proliferation of epithelial cell and inhibit tumour weakly .