
  1. 对教师而言,“下水”可避免命题陈旧感、隔膜感,可以提高书面表达能力,同时提高教学语言表达能力;

    As to teachers , it can avoid the outmoded and diaphragm sense of proposition , improve the writing ability , and improve the ability of language expression of teaching at the same time .

  2. 存钱不只是给他们成就感,还是给了他们玩陈旧游戏的满足感。

    It 's not just the money the save that gives them a sense of accomplishment , it 's the satisfaction of playing an ancient game .

  3. 在内容上存在缺乏现实性、开放性以及对中国传统德育内容缺乏创造性改造的问题,使内容陈旧,缺乏时代感;

    Current moral education in middle schools is old-fashion in its content , which lacks of the sense of reality , openness and created revision of Chinese traditional moral education .