
  1. 尽管欧盟官员坚称,所有选择都仍在考虑中,但陈德铭周四表示,他对WTO在稀土案中可能作出的裁定并不担心。

    While EU officials insist all options remain on the table , Mr Chen said on Thursday that he was not worried about a possible WTO ruling on rare earths .

  2. 不管怎样,陈德铭的担心都是合情合理的。

    Mr Deming 's qualms are , in any case , well justified .

  3. 离开苏州后,陈德铭被调往陕西省,他的名声在那里继续得到保持。

    After Suzhou , Mr Chen was dispatched to Shaanxi , where his reputation survived .

  4. 陈德铭周二在厦门举行的第二届世界投资论坛上作出以上表示。

    Chen made the remark at the second World Investment Forum on Tuesday in Xiamen .

  5. 这是严重的贸易保护主义行为,陈德铭在一份声明中表示。

    This is a grave act of trade protectionism , Mr Chen said in a statement .

  6. 陈德铭:经贸合作是中非友谊的重要基石。

    Chen Deming : The trade and economic cooperation is the important cornerstone of Sino-Africa friendship .

  7. 中国商业部部长陈德铭和巴基斯坦国家经济事务部部长希娜出席了会议并发表了讲话。

    Chinese Commerce Minister Chen Deming and Pakistan State Minister for Finance and Economic Affairs Hina were present and delivered speeches .

  8. 陈德铭表示,在目前这样的困难时候,中国承受着保护本国产业、使其免受欧洲高端鞋类进口产品冲击的巨大压力。

    In these difficult times China is under great pressure to protect its industry from high-end footwear imports from Europe , Mr Chen said .

  9. 商务部部长陈德铭说,未来几年中国将继续吸引外商投资。

    China 's Minister of Commerce , Chen Deming , said the country will continue to attract foreign investment over the next few years .

  10. 中国商务部长陈德铭这个星期表示,中国今年计划进一步缩减贸易顺差。

    Chen says China 's policies this year will be guided by wanting to stabilize exports , expand imports and decrease the trade surplus .

  11. 陈德铭说,受全球经济不景气的影响,中国从去年的十一月就出现了进出口的负增长。

    " Affected by the global economic recession , China has undergone negative growth in both import and export since last November ," said Chen .

  12. 商务部部长陈德铭将要访问欧洲,此次中方将进行多大规模的采购?

    Commerce Minister Chen Deming is going to several European countries . I was wondering how much does China plan to spend in those countries ?

  13. 即将担任商务部部长的陈德铭指出,美元贬值推高了进口资源的成本,是一种不稳定因素。

    Chen Deming , the incoming commerce minister , said the falling dollar had pushed up the cost of imported resources and been a destabilising factor .

  14. 陈德铭强调说,我们注重的不是引进外资的数量,我们要更加注重外资的结构和质量状况。

    However , Chen stressed that instead of the amount of investment , China should place more emphasis on the quality and structure of foreign investment .

  15. 中国商务部部长,陈德铭指出,2010年三月,中国仍然能够享受另外一个十年的“人口红利”。

    China 's commerce minister , Chen Deming , said in March 2010 that the country could still enjoy another decade of " demographic dividends . "

  16. 陈德铭补充说,调整人民币汇率不会解决全球贸易失衡。他预计,3月份中国外贸可能会出现逆差。

    He added adjusting the value of the renminbi would not solve global trade imbalances , predicting China could see its trade balance turn to deficit in March .

  17. 在结束访非之际,陈德铭接受新华社记者专访,就访非情况和当前中非经贸合作有关问题回答了记者的提问。

    At the close of his visit , Minister Chen accepted an exclusive interview by Xinhua News Agency reporter and answered his questions about the visit and Sino-Africa trade and economic cooperation .

  18. 陈德铭表示,他并不反对人民币升值,但他认为,在中国各企业和银行正在适应更灵活汇率机制的时候,人民币不应该“过快”升值。

    Mr Chen said he did not oppose a stronger renminbi but felt it should not appreciate " excessively " while Chinese businesses and banks adjusted to a more flexible exchange rate regime .

  19. 中国商务部长陈德铭表示,国际贸易的前景仍是不确定和不稳定的,中国出口还需要两、三年时间才能恢复到危机前水平。

    Chen Deming , Commerce minister , said the outlook for international trade remained uncertain and unstable and that it would take two or three years before Chinese exports recovered to pre-crisis levels .

  20. 陈德铭还提到,有些国家以国家安全为由限制资本流入,这其实是一种贸易保护主义。

    Also at Tuesday 's conference , Chen mentioned that some countries are blocking investment deals in the name of national security , which , according to Chen , is a form of protectionism .

  21. 陈德铭预计在国家相关政策的引导下,中国的高端技术和高附加值产业、服务业引资将呈现快速发展态势。

    With the help of such measures , foreign investment in industrial sectors with high technology and high added-value , as well as the service industry , would witness a boom , Chen predicted .

  22. 二月份,中国出口继续保持下降趋势,在未来可以预见的几个月里,中国依然面对严峻的形势,商务部长陈德铭在会上说。

    China 's export continued the downward tendency in February and will face a " grim " situation in the " coming foreseeable months ", said Chen Deming , Minister of Commerce , at the conference .

  23. 他还援引了中国商务部长陈德铭的话。陈德铭说,他期待欧元危机后欧洲资产的出售,并呼吁欧洲采取务实行动。

    He also cites Chen Deming , China 's minister of commerce , saying he looks forward to the sale of European assets thanks to the euro crisis , and calls on Europe to act pragmatically .

  24. 陈德铭还指出,鉴于中国在获得充足的铀供应方面面临困难,因此,中国将继续把核能视为一种替补能源。陈德铭从去年开始负责中国的能源政策。

    Mr Chen , who took charge of energy policy last year , also indicated China would continue to treat nuclear power as a supplemental energy source , given the difficulties it faces in securing adequate uranium supplies .

  25. 在昨日发表的采访中,陈德铭表示,将在限制“两高一资”(高污染、高能耗、资源性产品)产品出口,同时遵守国际贸易规则的基础上,逐步降低出口税率至零。

    In the interview published yesterday , Mr Chen said the government would gradually reduce export taxes to zero while following international trade rules and restricting industries that were highly polluting , energy intensive or wasteful of natural resources .

  26. 在北京方面派遣一名高级官员前往华盛顿,以求缓和贸易摩擦之际,中国商务部部长陈德铭表示,如果中国被贴上汇率操纵国的标签,我想,我们不会熟视无睹。

    Speaking as Beijing sent a senior official to Washington to ease trade frictions , Chen Deming , commerce minister , said China would not turn a blind eye if labelled a manipulator . I think we will not do nothing .

  27. 以陈德铭为例,在2007年升任商务部长主管贸易政策、谈判和外资政策之前,他已经在三个截然不同的职位上任职。

    By the time Chen Deming was tapped to be commerce minister in 2007 , for example a post that put him in charge of trade policy and negotiations and foreign investment policy he had already served in three distinct positions .

  28. 新华社援引陈德铭的话说:由于美元发行失控,国际商品价格持续上涨,中国正面临输入型通胀的危机,这导致的不确定性给公司造成巨大困难。

    Because the United States ' issuance of dollars is out of control and international commodity prices are continuing to rise , China is being attacked by imported inflation . The uncertainties of this are causing firms big problems , Chen was quoted as saying by the Xinhua news agency .