
  1. 1997年,随陈式太极拳第十一代嫡宗传人陈正雷大师学习陈式太极拳械;

    In1997 , he studied Chen Style Tai Chi with Master Chen Zhenglei , who is the11th generation of Chen Style Tai Chi .

  2. 2001年,正式拜陈正雷大师为师,系统学习陈式太极拳新、老架拳械系列、太极理论、推手技巧等。

    In2001 , he formally acknowledged Master Chen Zhenglei as his master , systematically studied Chen Style Tai Chi , Lao Jia , Xin Jia , TaiChi Theory , Tui Shou , etc.

  3. 本人自幼跟随陈正雷老师学习,并在其国内的太极拳总馆学习深造多年,对陈老师的太极拳传播模式和教学形式有了一定的了解,并对此做了大量的研究。

    I study tai chi form Master Chen form an early age , and study in its domestic tai chi pavilion for many years , have some knowledge about the mode of transmission and the teaching system of Master Chen , and have made a substantial research .