
  • 网络diarrhea of deficiency type;vacuity diarrhea
  1. 因此,补虚泻实适用于阴虚或阳虚之证,从而使阴阳重新建立平衡。

    Therefore , reducing the excessive and replenish the deficient can adjust excess or deficiency between yin or yang and restore the balance between them .

  2. 艾灸补泻是在中医辨证论治原则指导下,实施虚补实泻的操作手法。

    The reinforcing and reducing methods in moxibustion are based on the TCM theory of syndrome differentiation .

  3. 结果:1.从病性元素统计,补虚法最多,泻实法次之;补虚法中以健脾法为主;泻实法,以祛湿法为主。

    Results : 1 . Elements of Statistics from the disease , the most tonic method , followed by reducing excess method ; tonic to invigorate the spleen method based law ; reducing excess method , mainly to dampness . 2 .