
  • 网络chinese medical clinic;Chinese Medicine Clinic
  1. 在东阳市张裕明(音)中医诊所工作的吴贝(音)今年39岁,她表示,这些蛋尝起来也挺咸的。

    They are also quite salty , according to Wu Bei , 39 , an employee at the Zhang Yuming Chinese Medicine Clinic in Dongyang .

  2. 问卷初稿设计完成后,先于台北耕德中医诊所进行前测,以5位中医回填,求得研究中医师临床处理晕针之调查问卷之信度。

    Preliminary design is completed the questionnaire , the first Chinese medicine clinic in Taipei farming pretest Germany to five Chinese backfilling , and seek clinical treatment of practitioners of fainting the reliability of the questionnaire .

  3. 你可以去拜访一下传统的中医诊所。

    Hit up a Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) clinic .

  4. 确保升级的技能和知识的传统中医诊所病人的安全。

    Ensure patient safety by upgrading the skills and knowledge of traditional medicine providers .

  5. 中医诊所里,两位面瘫患者用电吹风自我进行热疗。

    In a Chinese medicine clinique two patients who suffer from prosopoplegia are using hair dryers to cure themselves .

  6. 研究结果发现,民众最常去中医诊所看中医,综合医院的中医部次之。

    The study results showed that clinic is the first choice of Chinese Medical services , and department of Chinese Medicine in General Hospital is the second one .

  7. 公营中医门诊诊所会聘请部分本地全日制中医学士学位课程毕业生,为他们提供进一步的培训机会。

    The public Chinese medicine out-patient clinics will also provide training to selected graduates of our local full-time Chinese Medicine Bachelor degree programme .

  8. 传统中医以私人诊所为行医空间,彼此封闭,互为对手。

    Traditionally , TCM doctors practiced in private clinics and were closed and opponent to one other .

  9. 调查问卷的研究对象为中医师:本研究所纳入研究对象主要以台湾中北部地区中医诊所执业医师为研究母群,主要为执业中医师。

    Of the questionnaire subjects were Chinese medicine : the main subjects in this study included central and northern Taiwan to study Chinese medicine practitioner clinics in the population , mainly for open medicine . 2 .