
  • 网络intermediate school;the middle school
  1. 他们从初小升至中间学校。

    They go from a first school to a middle school .

  2. 它们是我最好的朋友在中间学校。

    They are my best friends in the middle school .

  3. 处于小学和大学中间的学校;通常从九年级到十二年级。

    A school for students intermediate between elementary school and college ; usually grades 9 to 12 .

  4. 然而,他补充称,对于那些夹在中间的学校而言,如果它们不能安排学生就业,那么“这个消息将很快泄露出来”。

    However , for those schools in the middle , he adds , if they are unable to place their students in jobs " the word will soon get out " .

  5. 在学校文化建设过程中,学校制度化的过程并不仅仅是建立健全学校规章制度的过程,而是在学校师生员工中间培植学校价值观的过程。

    During school culture construction process , the institutionalization process of school is not only a process of establishing and strengthening regulations and institutions , but also a process to foster school values among school staff and students .

  6. 目的探索大学生心理障碍的原因及中间机制,为学校心理卫生的服务提供依据。

    Objective For providing the basis of psychological health services in school , to study main factors of psychological obstacles and middle mechanism of college students .