
  1. 中国佛教艺术的产生与兴盛

    The Advent and Flourish of Buddhist Art in China

  2. 中国佛教艺术有着无穷无尽的神奇魅力,是绘画创作取之不尽的源泉。

    Chinese Buddhist art is endless magic charm , and is an inexhaustible source of creative painting .

  3. 中国佛教艺术研究

    Study On Chinese Buddhism Art

  4. 中国佛教艺术传自印度,但在漫长的发展过程中,形成了具有中国民族特色且绚丽多彩的佛教艺术形式,极大地丰富了中国传统艺术。

    Chinese Buddhist art is from India , in the long course of development , it formed with Chinese national characteristics and colorful Buddhist art forms , and greatly enriched the traditional Chinese art .

  5. 最后,论文以主题研究、范畴研究和形态研究为三个支柱,基本勾勒出中国佛教艺术研究的学术领域。中国佛教艺术研究的最终目标是构建出佛教艺术学这一门新兴学科。

    The last but not the least is that the very paper takes the methods of themes ' study , the fields study , and the formation study as three pillars , which outlines the total Chinese academic field for Buddhist art study .

  6. 第五章回过头来说了中国的佛教艺术和石窟艺术。

    Chapter look back and say the Chinese Buddhist art and grotto art .

  7. 在对历史进程的分析中,总结了中国佛教表现艺术的三种特殊形式:行为魔幻化、对白戏剧化、仪轨艺术化。

    The Buddhist Performing Arts take such specific forms as unreal behave , dramatic dialogue and artistic ritual .

  8. 自东汉末年佛教传入中国,佛教艺术逐渐成为中国历史上的一个大系。

    Since Buddhism spread to China during the Eastern Han Dynasty , Buddhist art has developed into a grand school of art in Chinese history .

  9. 从古至今总有一部分画家在绘画的创作实践中,不断地向中国传统佛教艺术吸取精华,学习经验,并形成自己的绘画风格。

    Since ancient times , there are a lot of the creative artists practiced , keeping absorbing the essence of traditional Chinese Buddhist art , learning experiences and formed their own painting style .

  10. 研究新疆石窟壁画不仅要从文献着手,而且要特别注重图象考古。这对研究中国佛教文化艺术有重要意义。

    This paper is of great significance in studying Chinese Buddhism as well as its culture and art , for it pays as much attention to the relevant literature as it dose to archaeological image .

  11. 本文试图对中国早期佛教造像艺术民族化和世俗化的特征、过程及其社会文化条件进行较为系统、综合的研究。

    This paper attempt to study the nationalization and secularization of Chinese early-stage Buddhist icon art and its social and cultural condition systematically and synthetically .

  12. 佛教的中国化无疑对中国的佛教艺术有着巨大的影响。

    No doubt the sinicization of Buddhism had a tremendous impact on the Buddhist art in China , which is embodied in the transition of painting aesthetic standards .

  13. 佛教入华后,八面体佛塔被中国僧人广为利用,对中国佛教艺术产生了深远的影响。

    After Buddhism spread into China , octagonal stupa was widely used by Chinese bonzes and exerted profound influence upon the Buddhist art in China .

  14. 云冈石窟是中国三大石窟之一,代表了公元5世纪至6世纪时期中国杰出的佛教石窟艺术,是中国佛教艺术第一个巅峰时期的经典杰作。

    Yungang Grottoes is one of three caves , representing the 6th century AD , during the 5th century to the outstanding Buddhist grotto art in China is the first peak of Chinese Buddhist art during the classics .