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  1. 书法文化链与大书法文化发展战略研究&关于中国书法文化产业发展的战略规划的评述和展望

    On the Cultural Chain of Chinese Calligraphy ( CCCC ) and the Development Strategy for a Mega - Calligraphic Culture : Review and Prospect of the Strategic Planning for the Development of Chinese Calligraphic Culture

  2. 通过研究,我们可以肯定在国际汉语教学中有效地引入汉字书法文化可以促进国际汉语教学和中国书法文化的传播,我在教学法和课堂案例设计上的探索对国际汉语教学具有较强的指导意义。

    Through the research we can be sure that introduce Chinese calligraphy into the International Chinese Language Teaching will promote the Chinese teaching and the Chinese calligraphy diffusion . The exploration in the teaching pedagogy and classroom cases design will give a strong guiding to the International Chinese Language Teaching .

  3. 通过从中国书法的文化精神和人格魅力的解读,阐述了古今书法大家的文化精神与人格魅力;

    The essay described cultural spirits and human dignity of calligraphers in the ancient time and contemporary by interpretation of Chinese calligraphy .

  4. 中国书法的民族文化精神

    The Spirit of National Culture in Chinese Calligraphy

  5. 在这门课里,你将跟随老师学习书法,深入理解中国书法艺术的文化内涵。

    In this course , you will follow the teacher to learn calligraphy , and try to comprehend the spirit of Chinese art of calligraphy .

  6. 中国书法艺术作为传统文化的核心组成部分,直接影响着中国山水画艺术的发展进程。

    As the central part of Chinese traditional culture , Chinese calligraphy has direct influence on the development of Chinese Landscape painting .

  7. 中国书法早已成为中国文化的重要组成部分,并已被收入《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》。

    Chinese calligraphy is an important component of Chinese culture that has been enlisted into Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity .

  8. 我很高兴应邀参加本届中外文化交流节,向诸位介绍中国书法这一人类文化财富,和中国宝贵的旅游资源。

    I am delighted to be invited to attend the current Sino-foreign Cultural Exchange Festival , to introduce calligraphy as mankind 's cultural heritage and highly-valued tourist resources .

  9. 中国书法艺术是中国文化的重要的组成部分,具有鲜明的民族特色。博大精深的书法艺术蕴涵着丰富的美学精神,是现代设计取之不尽的艺术宝库。

    The broad and profound Chinese calligraphy art , be characterized by a distinctive national style , rich in the aesthetic soul , is an important part of the Chinese culture and the rich art treasure of the modern design .

  10. 第一,传统的中国文化,例如武术、京剧、中国书法、茶文化等都是中国的历史遗产,这些让我们更加自豪,更加统一。

    First , traditional Chinese culture such as martial arts , Peking opera , Chinese calligraphy , tea culture , etc. , have long been the common heritage of the Chinese people and have contributed towards a sense of national unity and pride ,

  11. 六朝书法是中国书法史上最辉煌的篇章,是中国书法艺术与文化的历史高峰。

    The calligraphy of the Six Dynasties is known as the most brilliant achievement in Chinese Calligraphic history and it reaches the highest historic peak of Chinese calligraphic arts and culture .

  12. 经历一段曲折后,中国书法又向继承传统的方向回归。中国书法是在中国文化的大背景中产生出来的。

    After a peroid of complications , Chinese calligraphy is returning back to the direction of inheriting the tradition .