
  • 网络Chinese Politics;china politics;Politics in China;Politics of China
  1. 加州大学洛杉矶分校中国政治教授包瑞嘉(RichardBaum)说,这是自相矛盾的。

    ' It is paradoxical , 'said Richard Baum , professor of Chinese politics at the University of California , Los Angeles .

  2. 美国布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)的中国政治问题专家李成表示:人们有许多苦恼。但调查结果往往是,人们的信心不断提升,大家普遍认为国家前进的方向是正确的。

    There is a lot of unhappiness , but surveys tend to show that hope is rising and people generally think the country is going in the right direction , says Cheng Li , a Chinese politics expert at the Brookings Institution .

  3. 汉唐时期,它是中国政治、经济、文化和对外交流的中心。

    In the Han and Tang Dynasties , it was the center of China 's politics , economy , culture and international exchange .

  4. 价值、路径与制度&当前中国政治发展浅析

    Value , Path and System & Analyzing the contemporary Chinese Politics

  5. 政治运行机制与中国政治运行机制

    The Political Operational Mechanism and the Chinese Political Operational Mechanism

  6. 当代中国政治的实践理性精神

    The Rational Spirit of Contemporary China ′ s Political Practice

  7. 现代化过程中的中国政治文明建设

    The Building of China 's Political Civilization in the Process of Modernization

  8. 国民革命与中国政治现代化的发展

    The National Revolution and the development of Chinese political modernization

  9. 试论中国政治发展的目标选择及其实现途径

    The Study on Goals and Paths of Chinese Political Development

  10. 从边缘政治体系向中心政治体系之演进&当代中国政治体系构建的理论基础分析

    From the Peripheral Political System to the Central Political System

  11. 论二十世纪中国政治发展模式的两次转型

    Two Transformations of Political Development Model of China in the

  12. 三个代表重要思想:当代中国政治合法性的基石

    Three Represents : the Foundation of Modern Chinese Political Legitimacy

  13. 论中国政治伦理及其现代转型

    On the Chinese Political Ethics and its Modern Transition

  14. 关于全球化背景下中国政治发展的思考

    Thinking on Chinese Political Development under the globalization Background

  15. 有助于扩大开放,发挥后发优势,增强综合国力,从而对巩固发展中国政治稳定产生积极影响。

    Thus , these make a positive impact on political stability in China .

  16. 中国政治学发展的走向:人文精神与科学精神的融通

    The Trend of Chinese Political Science : Blend of Humanistic and Scientific Spirit

  17. 中国政治文明建设的价值选择

    The Option of the Value in the Construction of China 's Political Civilization

  18. 市民社会与当代中国政治发展探析

    Study on Civil Society and Contemporary Chinese Political Development

  19. 新时期中国政治亚文化的发展&以广东为例

    Development of China 's Political Subculture in New Era

  20. 北京地区是中国政治、科技和文化的中心。

    Beijing is the center of politics , technology and culture of China .

  21. 当代中国政治文化现代化的实践主题&从加强社会主义法制建设到建设社会主义政治文明

    The Theme in the Practice of the Modernization of Contemporary Chinese Political Culture

  22. 甲午战争与近代中国政治文化的转型

    Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and the Transition of Chinese Political Culture in Modern China

  23. 建设现代化的政治文化,是中国政治现代化的必然要求。

    Building modern political culture is the inevitable demand of China 's political modernization .

  24. 简论农民工对中国政治发展的意义

    Peasant Workers and the Development of Chinese Politics

  25. 圣人崇拜与中国政治哲学

    Worship the Sage and Political Philosophy in China

  26. 中国政治文明建设的一个重要内容是公众监督。

    An important content of building the Chinese political civilization is the public supervision .

  27. 走向21世纪的中国政治发展

    Political Development in China toward the 21st Century

  28. 试论1946年政治协商会议对战后中国政治蓝图的设计

    The Designation of Postwar Chinese Political Blueprint by the Political Consultative Conference in 1946

  29. 中国政治传统与现代公民政治

    Chinese political tradition and modern civil politics

  30. 中国政治发展与政党制度的选择

    China Political Development and Party System Selection