
  1. 中国民俗文化词语汉英翻译初探

    A Study on the C-E Translation of the Lexis on Chinese Folklore

  2. 中国民俗文化中的阴阳辩证观

    On the theory of Yin and Yang as expressed in Chinese folklore

  3. 中国民俗文化村每天游人如鲫。

    The China Folk Culture Village swarms with visitors everyday .

  4. 文化巨变时代的新式民俗志&《中国民俗文化志》总序

    The General Preface to Records of Chinese Folk Culture

  5. 中国民俗文化特征论

    On the Features of China 's Folk Culture

  6. 长白山满族民间剪纸是中国民俗文化和长白山满族非物质遗产一种重要表现形式。

    Changbai mountain Manchu folk paper-cutting is an important form of Chinese folk culture and Changbai mountain Manchu intangible heritage .

  7. 我去了锦绣中华和中国民俗文化村,我玩得很好。

    I visited " Splendid china " and " china 's folk Culture Villages ", and I had a great time .

  8. 因而提出要从学界自身开始从实求知,对中国民俗文化学再认识。

    So it is necessary for all , especially the academic circle itself , to rethink the science of Chinese folklore culture .

  9. 中国民俗文化因其地域经济与民族历史文化构成的原因,形成了自成一体的文化特征。

    China 's folk culture has its own independent culture features because of China 's particular regional economy and national historical culture .

  10. 而中国民俗文化以其深刻的社会内涵和厚重的民族心理沉淀,成为现代商业设计的重要源泉。

    Owing to their profound social meanings and huge psychological depositions , Chinese folk arts have been a major source of modern commercial arts .

  11. 中国民俗文化受易&老哲学的影响颇深,在其事象里深蕴着或著或微的阴阳民俗事象的辩证思想。

    Chinese folk customs , to a great extend , are affected by Yi-Lao philosophy of which the dialectical ideas of Yin and Yang are reflected in the custom .

  12. 对联是中国民俗文化的精品,主要用于庆祝、装饰和表达个人修养,李鸿章的对联作品主要反映了他的思想和道德修养。

    Couplet is the exquisite article of folk-custom culture , which is used to celebrate , decorate and express self-cultivation . Li 's couplet reflect his mind and value .

  13. 本文拟以中国民俗文化为参照,以民俗活动的时间性为切入点,从四个方面比较中西方民俗文化之异同,即饮食文化、节日文化、民族风情、禁忌。

    This paper compared the folk culture of the West and China in four parts , which are diet culture , festival culture , the national amorous feelings and taboos .

  14. 《血色湘西》这种具有鲜明民族色彩和地域风情的民俗展示,不仅给观众提供了中国民俗文化的信息,从某种意义上说也具有传播学研究对象的意义和价值。

    Its display of the distinctive ethnic and regional customs in Western-Hunan not only conveys the Chinese folk culture information to the audiences , but also provides highlights to the research on mass communication .

  15. 深圳威尼斯酒店位于深圳市西南部,坐落在七个著名的主题公园中间,例如世界之窗、中国民俗文化村等。

    Crowne Plaza Shenzhen is located in southwest of Shenzhen City , in the midst of several well-known theme parks , such as , Windows of The World , Splendid China and China Folk Culture Village .

  16. 而中国民俗文化则是中国文化中最生动、最具感染力和亲和力的一部分,它也是与中国百姓的生活最紧密联系的部分,是中国文化在日常生活中最生动的体现。

    It is generally regarded the folk culture as the most vivid and most charming part of Chinese culture . While the folk culture is close to ordinary people in China and vividly depicts their everyday lives .

  17. 中国民俗文化有着自己鲜明的基本特征:它具有以伦理为中心的社会准则,直观直觉的传统思维方式和积极的人生态度。

    Chinese folk culture is the treasure of Chinese folk art , which has distinct properties as the social rule is determined by morel principles , traditional and audio-visual mode of thinking , and active attitude towards life .

  18. 《中国民俗文化志》(县、区卷)的指导思想是注重具体理解民俗与地方生活的关系,以体现文化巨变时代的文化自觉意识。

    The guide principle for compiling Records of Chinese Folk Culture focuses on the relationship between folk-customs and the local lives so as to display the cultural self-consciousness at a time of cultural changes in a tremendous way .

  19. 中国民俗文化学思想兴起于五四前后,它以民俗文化学为主体,以关心本民族的民俗文化为核心,影响深远。

    China 's folk-custom cultural thought , which thrived around the May 4th Movement , takes folk-custom culture study as the main body and the concern over its culture as the core , so it has far-reaching impact . Mr.

  20. 宫灯以其照明的实用性、华丽的装饰性和多彩的视觉欣赏性在中国民俗文化中占有一席之地;并以工艺复杂、做工精良、造型雅致而闻名于世。

    Palace lanterns win a place as its usable lighting , luxuriant adornment patterns and colorful visual appreciation features in Chinese culture and customs . And also it is especially famous for its complicated fabrication technology and its modeling elegant design .

  21. 对壮族民俗文化的翻译研究不仅能增强民族自我认同感,振奋民族精神,塑造民族品格,还能促进中国民俗文化的传播,在文化全球化时代保持民族文化身份和特征。

    The study of the translation of Zhuang folklore not only helps to enhance the national identity , strengthen the national spirit , and shape the national character , but also helps to spread Chinese culture abroad and maintain its inherent cultural identity and features in the cultural globalization era .

  22. 幌子广告具有鲜明的行业特点,是中国古代民俗文化的载体。

    Advertisement is the body carrying Chinese ancient culture and had salient industry feature .

  23. 吴地民俗是中国地域民俗文化中一种具有典型意义的形态。

    Folk customs in Wu is a typical form in Chinese regional folk culture .

  24. 本文以民俗文化学中的意象表述及相关理论,研究了中国牡丹民俗文化意象。

    This article researches culture imagery of Chinese folklore based on imagery and relative theory in folklore culture subject .

  25. 中国的民俗文化代表着中国民族的特色,是古老的中国民族区别于其他民族的标志。

    Chinese folk culture represents the characteristics of Chinese nation , which distinguishes the ancient Chinese nation from the other nations .

  26. 中国体育民俗文化展区,展示了太极扇等中国传统体育文化展品。

    Such Chinese traditional sports and cultural exhibition articles as Taiji fan are displayed in the Chinese Folk Custom & Culture Exhibition Area .

  27. 李敷仁和中国现代民俗民间文化

    On Li Fu ren and Chinese Modern Folkways and Culture Among the People

  28. 中国民间民俗体育文化是实现代体育研究中的一个重要课题。

    Folk-custom physical culture in China is one of the most important problems of modern physical study .

  29. 以期在推动现代景观设计发展的基础上,传承和发扬光大中国的传统民俗文化。

    In order to promote the development of modern landscape design based on the inherit and carry forward .

  30. 第二部分首先重点探讨了中岳庙会的起源与嬗变轨迹,庙会作为中国特色传统民俗文化的重要组成部分,其实质在于民间信仰,其核心在于神灵的供奉。

    The temple fair , as an important part of traditional folk culture with Chinese characteristics , its essence lies in the folk belief , the core lies in the gods worshiped .