
  • 网络Chinese Magic
  1. 化蛹为蝶&试论中国魔术的复兴

    Changing The Pupa To Butterfly & On The Rejuvenate Of Chinese magic

  2. 他说,在中国,魔术是归中央宣传部下属的中国杂技协会管理的。

    In China , magic falls under the control of the China Acrobatic Association , which is part of the Communist Party ` s propaganda department , he says .

  3. 1904年,法国拍摄了一部有关中国魔术师的电影&《中国魔术》(LeThaumaturgeChinois),这是首部试图用特技效果让观众惊叹的影片之一。

    An early effort to amaze cinema goers with special effects was Le Thaumaturge Chinois , a 1904 French film about a Chinese conjurer .