
  • 网络meeting notice;announcement;Conference Notice;Meeting Announcement
  1. 智能会议通知系统是利用ASP技术开发的Web数据库应用系统。

    The System of intelligent Meeting Notice is a Web database application system base on ASP technique .

  2. 一种电话会议通知系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of a Telephone Meeting Notice System

  3. 所有与会人员都收到了会议通知的复印件。

    All members received duplicated notices of the meetings .

  4. NET数据库访问等Web数据库应用系统先进技术,实现了一个网上办公系统的信息检索、录入、修改、统计、表格和会议通知、记录等功能。

    NET , the system realized these functions such as information query , input , modification , statistics , table document , informing and recording of the conference .

  5. 基于CTI技术的会议通知系统的实现

    Implementation of conference notice system based on CTI technology

  6. Ultra-light模式还尊重现有的LotusiNotes优选参数设置,控制是否在日历中显示未处理的会议通知。

    Ultra-light mode also respects the existing Lotus iNotes preference setting that controls whether unprocessed meeting notices show up on the calendar .

  7. ultra-light模式目前尚不支持的特性包括下面这些任务:创建新的日历条目、处理会议通知和工作流程,以及创建组联系人。

    Features not currently available in ultra-light mode include tasks such as creating new calendar entries , handling meeting notices and workflow , and creating group contacts .

  8. 如何写会议通知、议程和会议纪要?

    How to Write Meeting Notices , Agenda and Minutes ?

  9. 第13届中国临床眼科年会(2007)第一轮会议通知

    The 13th Annual Session of Chinese Clinical Ophthalmology in 2007

  10. 未被计划好的会议通知造成了氛围和士气不自觉的变化。

    The ill-planned meeting notice caused an unintended change in climate and morale .

  11. 互连网上智能会议通知系统的研制

    The Development of Intelligent Meeting Notice System on Internet

  12. 谈谈国际会议通知的译文质量

    On the Quality of the Translation of Circulars ( Information ) of International Conferences

  13. 负责各项会议通知、安排工作。

    Responsible for meeting notification and lodging arrangement .

  14. 在发送会议通知之前,制定清楚的、有目标的规划。

    Before sending a meeting invite , establish a clear , targeted purpose for the discussion .

  15. 企业用户使用短信系统对内可以进行工作任务、会议通知、工资单等信息的发送,也可以向内部员工发送节日祝福,日常问候等信息以增强企业凝聚力;

    The users in enterPrise use short message to send task , meeting info , and salary infO .

  16. 所实现的会议通知系统中的会议类型主要有审批会议与协商会议两种。

    There are two types of meeting in the meeting notification system accomplished : authorization meeting and negotiation meeting .

  17. 为股东大会召开设定法定股份数、完善表决代理、做好会议通知等鼓励更多的股东参与大会;

    We can set the statutory minimum share , improve agency system and notify shareholders as many as possible .

  18. 这类会议通知应包括会议的议程、日期、时间和地点。

    The notice of such meeting shall state the agenda , date , time and place of the meeting .

  19. 准备并给与会者发出会议通知,同时发出已完成的回顾计划工作表。

    Prepare and I ue the meeting notice to the participants , including the completed retro ective pla ing worksheet .

  20. 吉米:这是会议通知单,我召开这次会议是为了讨论在这里成立工会。

    Jimmy : It 's a flyer for a meeting I 've called to talk about forming a labor union here .

  21. 董事长在收到请求后,应立即向每一位董事发出经过修改的会议通知。

    The chairmen of the board shall forthwith distribute a revised notice of meeting to each directors following receipt of any such request .

  22. 董事可以在会前、会中或者会后以书面、口头到场的形式自动放弃任何会议通知。

    A governor may waive notice of any meeting before , at or after the meeting , in writing , orally or by attendance .

  23. 如果大会延期长达30天或以上,如同初次开会一样必须送发延期会议通知。

    When a meeting is adjourned for30 days or more , notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in the case of an original meeting .

  24. 介绍了一种廉价的、用电话进行会议通知的系统,阐述了其设计思想及实现方法。

    It introduces a cheap meeting notice system which carries out meeting notice by telephone . The design thought and the realization method are given out in the paper .

  25. 总之,我们最终就制定时间表,召开会议通知工作人员以及诸多举措达成了一致,所以可以说我们现在已经做好充分准备了。

    Anyway , we ended up by agreeing on a timetable for a meeting to brief the workforce and for the various moves , so we 're probably quite well prepared now .

  26. 基本功能模块集中了短信发送、接收、会议通知、投票调查等功能,数据管理模块,提供短信数据管理的功能,包括缓存数据,上行数据和下行数据记录等,用户可以查看历史数据的明细。

    Data management module , it provides short message data management function , includes the records of cache data , upstream data and downstream data , and the users can check detail list of historical data .

  27. 在便利贴上写给我妈妈的留言、纸条可以用简讯传递。或是写在纸上的会议通知自动和我的数字行事历同步&待办事项会自动在计算机上同步。

    A message written on a sticky note to my mom on paper can come to an SMS , or maybe a meeting reminder automatically syncs with my digital calendar & a to-do list that automatically syncs with you .

  28. 会议通知中应当列明会议召开的时间、地点、方式,以及会议召集人和债权登记日等事项,并充分、完整地披露所有提案的具体内容。

    The meeting notice shall indicate time , place , way of holding the meeting and matters such as the convener of the meeting and registration date of creditor 's rights , and make a sufficient and complete disclosure on the specific contents of all proposals .

  29. 会议通知按形式分,有口头通知和书面通知;按通知的行为方式分,有面对面通知、电话通知、电脑通知、电报通知、墙报通知、报纸通知、广播通知、电视通知等。

    Conference announcement presses formal cent , have oral announcement and written announcement ; press the behavior means cent of the announcement , have face-to-face announcement , phone announcement , computer announcement , cable announcement , wall newspaper announcement , press announcement , broadcast announcement , TV announcement .

  30. SIP事件通知机制及其在会议状态通知服务中的应用

    SIP Event Notification Mechanism and Its Applications in SIP Conference State Notification Service