
  1. 加强会计基础工作规范化建设努力提高企业财务管理水平

    Strengthening the accounting standardization work to improve financial management level

  2. 促进会计工作的规范化,提高会计信息处理的质量。

    Have promoted accountant 's working standardization , has improved the quality of accounting information processing .

  3. 政府会计、审计工作的规范化,有助于提高政府部门使用公共资金的效率与效果。

    The regularization of the governmental auditing and accounting will raise the expenditure efficiency and effect of public resources in the governmental entities .

  4. 应强化会计准则的执行力度,保证会计核算工作的规范化,加强竞争对手的会计研究,从会计策略方面应对欧美的反倾销。

    So the accounting criterion should be well strengthened , standardization of the accounting work guaranteed and the accounting study for competition enhanced for the European antidumping in the accounting strategy .

  5. 会计电算化是会计工作的发展方向,开展会计电算化是促进会计基础工作规范化和提高经济效益的重要手段和有效措施。

    Computerization is the trend of accounting work , therefore developing accounting computerization is very important and an effective way for normalization of basic accounting work and the promotion of economic benefits .

  6. 我国会计准则的制定与实施起步较晚,从1993年7月1日开始,我国基本会计准则正式由财政部颁布、实施,从而标志着我国会计工作走上了规范化的轨道。

    From July 1st 1993 , China Ministry of Finance started to Fundamental Accounting Standards , which symbolize that accounting in China has been put on the way of standardization .