
  1. 论西方悲剧精神的动态三要素

    Three dynamic key elements of western tragic spirit

  2. 遭遇苦难、反抗苦难和超越苦难是西方悲剧精神的动态三要素。

    Suffering , resisting and surmounting misery are the three dynamic key elements of western tragedy .

  3. 一阶动态电路三要素法的扩展应用

    The Expansion Application of Three-Factor Method for First Order Circuit

  4. 由时变共用电路求一阶电路动态响应的三要素

    Determination of the Three-elements for One Order Electric Circuit Using Time Variable Method

  5. 简介了国内外主要地震工作者关于地震云的识别标志、时空动态与地震三要素关系的论述及其实际预测效果;

    It introduces the recognition marks of earthquake clouds , the relation between time - spatial dynamic of earthquake clouds and the three elements of earthquake , and forecast result by earthquake clouds ;