
  • 网络Dynamic design;Kinetic Design;Motion design;Motion Graphics
  1. 凸轮机构的动态设计

    Kinetic Design of Cam Mechanism

  2. 介绍了结合动态设计思想构建的基于Web的金属切削数据库系统。

    A Web-based metal cutting database system combined with dynamic design idea is introduced .

  3. 冲模CAD系统中典型结构动态设计方法的研究

    Study on Dynamic Design of the Typical Structure of the Die CAD System

  4. 发动机大型复杂组合结构的静动态设计CAD系统的应用

    The Application of CAD System in Static and Dynamic Design of Large Complex Joint Structures for Engines

  5. 基于FEM的数控机床结构部件静动态设计

    Static and dynamic design on structural components of NC machine tools based on FEM

  6. MIMO时域模态分析理论在车辆动态设计中的应用

    Application of MIMO Time Domain Modal Analysis on Dynamic Design of Automobile Body

  7. VRML技术实现数字电动巡逻车的三维场景动态设计

    Realization of Dynamic Design on Electric Prowl Car in 3D Environment Based on VRML

  8. 基于Pro/E和SnagIT的矿用机车摩擦离合器动态设计

    Dynamic Design of Frictional Cultch in Mine Locomotives Based on Pro / E and Snag IT

  9. 讨论了应用有限元方法(FEM)进行数控机床结构部件静动态设计的原理,叙述了模型简化方法及单元类型的选择。

    Principles for carrying out the static and dynamic design , by the use of finite element method , on structural components of NC machine tools were discussed , the simplification method of model and the selection of unit type were described .

  10. 本文以建筑基坑为研究对象,从研究建立一个完整的监测系统出发,重点研究了利用监测数据选用灰色系统GM(1,1)模型建立预测预报系统的过程及动态设计及信息化技术施工的实现。

    This paper concentrates on the architecture foundation excavation . From the establishment of a complete detective system , it puts emphasis on the study of constructing predictive system with gray system GM of detective data and implement of informative construction .

  11. 用MATLAB程序可方便有效地实现非线性加工过程的切削力模拟,这对于加工系统的动态设计和教学具有重要的实用价值。

    Simulation of the cutting force of machining process is made in MATLAB . It is easy and effective to realize the simulation of the cutting force in nonlinear machining process by using MATLAB programs , which has a practical value on the dynamic design of machining system and teaching .

  12. 具有响应与强度约束的凸轮机构动态设计

    Dynamic design of cam mechanism with constraints of response and strength

  13. 同步齿形带传动动态设计研究

    Research for the dynamic designing of the Transmission of Synchronizer Gear-belt

  14. 旋转倒立双摆摆起控制量的动态设计变量优化

    Dynamic Design Variable Optimization of Swing-Up Control about Rotating Double-Inverted Pendulum

  15. 无油空压机消声器的动态设计和实验模态分析

    Dynamic Design and Experimental Model Analysis of Oil-free Compressor 's Muffler

  16. 铁路动态设计仿真系统研究

    Research on the Dynamic Study and Simulation System of Railway

  17. 山区挖孔灌注桩质量监测与动态设计的探讨

    Discussion of the quality supervision and dynamic design to dug caisson pile

  18. 边界条件、组合结构、动态设计;

    The design meeting the requirements of boundary conditions and combined structure ;

  19. 基于耦合场分析的电磁振动料斗的动态设计

    Dynamic design of electromagnetic vibratory bowel feeders using coupled-field analysis

  20. 地铁联络通道水平冻结的动态设计与施工

    Dynamic Design and Construction of Horizontal Freezing of Underground Linking

  21. 对企业组织结构动态设计理论的探讨

    A Study in the Dynamic Designing Theory of Organizational Structure

  22. 新建铁路隧道动态设计系统的构思

    A Concept of Dynamic Design System for New Tunnels

  23. 振动锤传动齿轮的动态设计

    Dynamic Design of the Gear Driven of Vibration Hammer

  24. 与干结构相比,流固耦合系统属于非经典问题,其动态设计要复杂得多。

    The dynamics design of liquid structure system is a non classical problem .

  25. 高性能平行四边形机械手动态设计方法研究

    Research on Dynamic Design for High Performance Parallelogram Manipulator

  26. 有限元模型修正法在结构动态设计中的应用

    The Application of Revisable Method of Finite Element Model to Structure Dynamic Design

  27. 大型振动筛动力学分析及动态设计

    Dynamic Analysis and Design of Large-Scale Linear Vibrating Screen

  28. 对转子-轴承系统的动态设计与故障诊断提供参考。

    The references to is provided dynamic design and fault diagnosis of rotor-bearing system .

  29. 高速行星传动的动态设计方法研究

    Dynamic Design Method of High-speed Planetary Gear Transmissions

  30. 高速内燃机配气凸轮动态设计探讨

    Inquire Into the Dynamic Design of Valve Cam of High Speed Internal Combustion Engine