
  • 网络animal spirit
  1. 凯恩斯所称的“动物精神”(animalspirits)是造成宏观经济波动的根本力量。

    What Keynes called " animal spirits " are fundamental forces driving macroeconomic fluctuations .

  2. “动物精神”(animalspirits)重现市场,这真令人宽慰。

    What a relief to have " animal spirits " back for a visit .

  3. 目前的做法是通过“增加因数”,引入约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes)所说的“动物精神”(animalspirits)概念。

    Current practice is to introduce notions of " animal spirits " , as John Maynard Keynes put it , through " add factors " .

  4. 如果说动物精神能够左右市场,房地产市场中的动物精神就像是横冲直撞、护雏心切的加拿大雁(Canadagoose)。

    If animal spirits move markets , the animal spirit in the property market is like a maternal Canada goose on the rampage to protect her young .

  5. 不过,一些自诩为这位英国经济学家追随者的人目前发起了一项行动,淡化他对于有效需求的分析,而支持所谓的动物精神(AnimalSpirits)。

    Yet there is now a campaign by some who regard themselves as his followers to play down the British economist 's analysis of effective demand in favour of something they call animal spirits .

  6. 市场走势是建立在凯恩斯(keynes)所谓“动物精神”的著名论断之上的,如果那些精神有所改善,对市场的影响当然是积极的。

    Markets move on what Keynes famously called " animal spirits " , and if those spirits are improving , the implications for markets are of course positive .

  7. 她是造物主,通过唤醒中产阶级的动物精神而拯救了英国:她是跻身世界史的人物,帮助罗纳德里根(ronaldreagan)赢得了冷战,因为他们双方都相信能够赢得这场战争。

    She was a demiurge , who saved the UK by reviving the animal spirits of the middle classes : a world-historical figure , who helped Ronald Reagan to win the cold war , because they both believed that it could be won .

  8. 除非动物精神复活,经济是不会复苏。

    Until animal spirits revive , the economy will not recover .

  9. “动物精神”的迹象远不止表现在不断攀升的股价上。

    Signs of animal spirits go far beyond rising share prices .

  10. 需要什么才能激起他们的动物精神呢?

    What will it take to stoke their animal spirits ?

  11. 风险厌恶情绪已经减弱,‘动物精神’有所抬头,他表示。

    Risk aversion has fallen and animal spirits have increased , he said .

  12. 上周,“动物精神”重返达沃斯。

    The animal spirits returned to Davos this week .

  13. 但对于“动物精神”的强调并非其中之一。

    But the emphasis on " animal spirits " is not one of them .

  14. 这些年轻人充满动物精神。

    These youths are full of animal spirits .

  15. 如今,我们有可能对动物精神的心理学支柱有一个更为清晰的认识。

    Much more clarity about the psychological underpinnings of animal spirits is possible today .

  16. 是因为新手机、现金,抑或只是动物精神?

    Is it the new phone , the cash – or just animal spirits ?

  17. 这“只能被理解为是动物精神使然”。

    This " can only be taken as a result of animal spirits " .

  18. 在美洲土著人传统的熊是世界上最强大的动物精神。

    In Native American tradition the Bear is one of the most powerful animal spirits .

  19. 要想让这种动物精神回归,企业必须在自身以及彼此身上投资。

    For that to occur companies must invest in themselves as well as each other .

  20. 没有什么东西能像看着经济蛋糕不断变大那样,呈现出人类的动物精神。

    Nothing brings out the animal spirits in humans like watching the economic pie expanding .

  21. 但人们最终会厌倦扮可怜,动物精神将回归。

    There comes a time when people tire of being miserable , and animal spirits return .

  22. 这一错误的经济理论没有考虑到动物精神是如何影响经济行为的。

    That wrong economic theory fails to take account of how the animal spirits affect economic behaviour .

  23. 作为“吹泡泡”的动力来源,“动物精神①”也将在最后烟消云散。

    Animal spirits , forever the fuel in a bubble , are the last thing to dissipate .

  24. 通胀把动物精神关进笼子,抑制了银行的放贷、以及企业或个人的举债和投资。

    Deflation has caged animal spirits , dissuading banks from lending and companies or individuals from borrowing and investing .

  25. 但跟着,动物精神也会转向另一个方向,然后人们就会过于谨慎。

    But then the animal spirits also veer in the other direction , and then people are too wary .

  26. 就推动复苏而言,这从根本上来说是更为重要得多的因素,它关系到动物精神的运用。

    That is ultimately a much more important application of animal spirits when it comes to driving a recovery .

  27. 如果你想乐观一点,你可以将此视为动物精神值得欢迎的回归。

    If you want to be optimistic , you might see this as a welcome return of animal spirits .

  28. 上海股市回落可能会抑制推动全球股市上涨的动物精神。

    A retreat from Shanghai 's highs would probably inhibit the animal spirits behind the rally in global equities .

  29. 美联储正运用三种工具,利用有益的财富效应和被激发出来的动物精神,来促进经济增长。

    The Fed is resorting to three tools to bring forward growth via beneficial wealth effects and invigorated animal spirits .

  30. 随着人们对经济的担忧重现,动物精神本应代行央行的职责,压低国债收益率。

    With economic worries returning , animal spirits should have done the Bank 's job for it , and pushed yields down .