
  • 网络The Law of Value;value rule
  1. 立宪技术的指导法则是价值法则、政治法则和程序法则。

    The instructional principles of the technique to establish constitution are principles of value , politics and procedure .

  2. 合作社要利用价值法则搞经济核算,要勤俭办社,逐步增加一点积累。

    In order to increase accumulation bit by bit , the co-operatives should make use of the law of value and adopt economic accounting , and they should be run with diligence and thrift .

  3. 运用价值工程法则,优化方案设计,合理降低建筑造价

    Optimizing Conceptual Design , Properly Reducing Construction Cost by Using Value Engineering Law

  4. 关于人生价值观人生法则将会影响我的一生

    On LIVING BY YOUR VALUES " The laws of life will continue to influence my life "

  5. 换句话说,网络中的节点数按照算术法则提升,而网络的价值则按照指数法则提升。

    In other words , as the number of nodes in a network increases arithmetically , the value of the network increases exponentially .

  6. 尚和是中日两民族伦理文化历史长久积淀的产物,也是两民族重要的道德价值观和伦理法则。

    " An advocacy of harmony " is not only the product of long ethic and cultural history of China and Japan , but also the important moral values and ethic rule of the two nations .

  7. 古代立法主要体现侵权法的惩罚价值,近代立法体现了侵权法的预防价值,现代立法则体现了侵权法的补偿价值。

    Ancient legislation is mainly reflected the punitive value of tort law ; the modern legislation reflects the preventive value of tort law ; now times ' legislation is reflected the compensative value of tort law .

  8. 在这些方法中,重置成本法和并购价值法更加适合非上市实物资产,而内在价值法和相对价值法则更适合于已经上市的虚拟资产。

    In these methods , and acquisition of the replacement cost value of non-listed more appropriate physical assets , and intrinsic value method and relative value rules more suited to the virtual assets have been listed .