
  • 网络value investing;Value investment
  1. 这一点可以说更为紧迫,因为喜欢随大流的大陆投资者还没有学会价值型投资。

    This arguably has more of an urgency , as trend-chasing mainland investors have yet to learn how to do value investing .

  2. 价值型投资是个不错的想法,但如果你是约翰梅纳德凯恩斯,你可能更容易成功一些。

    Value investing is a fine idea - but perhaps a little easier to pull off if you are John Maynard Keynes .

  3. 我国证券市场投资分析主要分为基础分析和技术分析,其中基础分析又分为价值型投资和成长型投资两种模式。

    Our domestic securities market , investment analytical theory is mainly divided into foundation investment analyzing and technology investment analyzing .

  4. 在投资过程中,有必要运用相应的理论指导价值型投资行为。

    During investing , it 's necessary to apply an appropriate theory to direct the investment behavior of the Value Concept .

  5. 目前在国内外证券市场上主要有两种证券投资模式:成长型投资和价值型投资。

    At present , there are two kinds of securities investment modes mainly at home and abroad : the growing up investment and the value investment .

  6. 本文对不同投资风格的基金分别进行了波动择时检验,发现价值型投资基金波动择时能力表现最好。

    This paper discusses the different investment styles of fund volatility and time tests were conducted and found that fluctuations in the value of investment funds and time-best performance .

  7. 而价值型投资指投资者购买那些只自认为价值高于价格的股票,当价格上涨充分体现价值时抛出实现投资收益的投资模式。

    Value investment means that investors buy those pieces whose value are higher than the price of stocks , the stocks are sold when the price goes up and fully embodies their value .

  8. DEShaw大部分投资基于复杂的数学模型,旨在找出隐藏的市场趋势或定价异常。不过最近该基金也进入到私人股本领域和自下而上的价值驱动型投资领域。

    The greater part of DE Shaw 's investments are made using complicated mathematical models that aim to spot hidden market trends or pricing anomalies , although the fund manager has recently expanded into private equity and bottom-up value-driven investing .

  9. 研究人员发现,环境的影响也有助于解释投资者对价值或成长型投资的倾向。

    Environmental influences also help explain the ' tilt ' toward value or growth investing , the researchers found .

  10. 针对投资价值分析在应用中的问题,文章首先比较了价值型投资与成长型投资的理念、自上而下与自下而上的选股方法。

    Furthermore , I also identify different investment methods such as value investment and growth investment , " top down " approach and " down top " approach .