
  1. 实施网厂分开、竞价上网的电力市场运作模式要具备的条件之一是:要有独立的输电价格及其调控机制;

    One of the conditions essential for the power market operation mode of ' the separation of grid and plant , and bidding for grid ' is that there should be independent price and control mechanism of electrical transmission .

  2. 随后,从政策实施的背景、主体和客体、工具和约束条件等方面对我国生猪价格调控政策的运行机制进行了系统研究。

    Secondly , it made an analysis on the operation mechanism of pig price control policies from the aspects of its background , subject and object , tools , and constraint conditions .

  3. 改进石油价格管理办法建立新的价格调控机制

    Improving Oil Pricing Management and Construct-ing a New Regulatory Pricing Mechanism

  4. 要进一步提高生猪价格调控政策的效果,政府应从以下几方面努力:完善生猪价格形成机制、构建合理的利益分配机制、健全生猪价格监测预警机制和建立生猪价格调控反馈机制等。

    In order to improve its effects further , some measures should be taken by our government , like perfecting pig price formation mechanism , constructing reasonable interest distribution mechanism , perfecting the monitoring and warning mechanism of pig price and establishing the feedback mechanism of pig price control policies .