
  1. 这也正是为什么某些人怀疑全球单位产值能耗——生产每单位GDP所需消耗的能源数量——能否在短时间内显著下降。

    That is why some are sceptical that global energy intensity - the amount of energy consumed per unit of GDP - will come down drastically soon .

  2. 未来学家乔根•兰德斯(JorgenRanders)在一份预测未来40年全球面貌的报告中预计,单位产值能耗相对于2010年时仅会下降三分之一——不足以阻止灾难性的气候变化发生。

    Futurologist Jorgen Randers , in a report offering a global forecast for the next 40 years , expects energy intensity to fall by only a third compared to 2010 - not enough to stop catastrophic climate change .

  3. 中国则定下了在2011至2015年间将单位产值能耗降低16%的目标。

    and China has a goal of cutting energy intensity by 16 per cent between 2011 and 2015 .

  4. 为了公平评估单位产值能耗,常常需要根据以下因素进行调整:经济发展水平、工业基础、气候、人口密度等等。

    Evaluations of energy intensity often adjust for differences in economic development , industrial bases , climates , population density and other factors to make a more equal comparison .

  5. 一些调查会调整城市的单位产值能耗,不仅包括该城市居民消耗的能源,还包括其他地方代替该城市消耗的能源。

    Some surveys adjust the measurement of a city 's energy intensity to include not just how much its residents consume but also how much others consume on their behalf .

  6. 在此基础上,讨论了以能源供需平衡和价格波动、单位产值能耗、能源需求增长速度等为指标的预警系统构建思路。

    Based on this , a pre-warning system is discussed , whose indexes are energy balance between supply and demand , energy consumption of unit production valve and growth rate of energy demand .

  7. 由能源效率指标引出了单位产值能耗、能源成本效率等可以反映节能水平的一系列指标;

    A series of indexes that can reflect the energy conservation level such as energy consumption of unit output value , energy cost efficiency , etc. have been drawn by the important index of energy efficiency .

  8. 城市规划相关领域的专家承认,测量能源效率或单位产值能耗——它涵盖了能源消耗的数量和质量——有多种途径,而且任何评估方式都会带有一定程度的主观性。

    Experts in urban planning and related fields acknowledge that there are many ways to measure energy efficiency - or energy intensity , an idea that encompasses the quantity and quality of energy consumed - and that any assessment must include a degree of subjectivity .

  9. 据文献报道,我国单位产值的综合能耗是世界平均水平的4.8倍。

    According to document , the comprehensive energy consumption of the unit output value of our country is 4.8 times of the average level in the world .