
  1. 加强集装箱的远程监控是保障国际贸易物流供应畅通、防范和减少利用集装箱进行恐怖活动的重要途径。

    The remote monitoring of containers is an effective approach to the assurance of smooth international trade and material supply , and to the prevention and reduction of terrorism activities .

  2. 阐述了在粤跨国制造外包对广东省经济与工业的影响及其在粤出口贸易物流中地位的演变。

    Finally , the effects of the international manufacturing outsourcing on the economy and industry of Guangdong , and its position evolvement in the export trade logistics in Guangdong are further elaborated .

  3. 本文对两国贸易物流运输方式的研究,主要是基于两国便利开展的国际运输走廊,针对中俄两国境内沟通双边贸易的陆路干线运输、铁路运输和港口运输展开阐述。

    The paper studies bilateral trade logistics and transport , mainly based on the international transport corridors , to communicate bilateral trade trunk transport , rail transport and port transportation and so on .

  4. 本文在某物流公司实践的基础上,结合两个具体的案列对贸易物流一体化融资产品的本质、系统、风险控制进行详细的讨论和描述。

    The report gave a detailed discussion and description about the trade finance products , the nature of logistics integration , system and risk control , based on the practice in a logistics company , and by the analyzing of two specific cases .

  5. 网络贸易中物流配送对包装设计的影响

    The influence on the package design of network trade logistics

  6. 专科及以上学历,国际贸易,物流等相关专业;

    College degree or above in International Trade , Logistics or relevant disciplines ;

  7. 大专或以上学历,国际贸易、物流等相关专业优先。

    College or above education , foreign trade or logistics major is preferred .

  8. 我们以优质,高效,竭诚为您的进出口贸易提供物流服务。

    With quality and efficient , we 're committed to serve your import and export trade .

  9. 论文分析了塔里木物资贸易公司物流现状:在对塔里木物资贸易公司物流现状和物流系统模式分析的基础上,分析了塔里木物资贸易公司物流系统存在的突出问题。

    The thesis analyses the present situation of the Tarim material trade company and the existing problems .

  10. 公司现拥有一支专业的人才队伍,为客户提供专业的进出口贸易、物流、电子商务等一系列服务。

    We have professional teams and provide a range of Import & Export Trade , Logistics , E-commerce services to customers .

  11. 我们希望支持与迪拜相关的可持续业务,将其作为一个贸易、物流与金融中心,诸立力表示。

    We want to support sustainable businesses connected to Dubai as a trading , logistical and financial centre , Mr Chu said .

  12. 香港的地理位置优越、物流业发展成熟、基础设施完善,是亚太区重要的国际贸易及物流枢纽。

    Hong Kong is an important international trading and logistics hub in the Asia-Pacific region given its strategic location , mature logistics industry and sophisticated infrastructure .

  13. 价值流动将这两个系统连接起来构成了一个开放性耦合系统,该系统的耦合性决定了水产品贸易与物流产业的可持续发展性。

    The mobile value connect the two systems which constitute as an open coupling system , synergy of the system is the key of sustainable development .

  14. 分析了塔里木物资贸易公司物流系统的理想模型,并分析了模型在钻头物流管理方面的应用。论文分析和提出了加强塔里木物资贸易公司物流建设的一些措施和建议,包括加强自身建设;

    Then the thesis analyses the ideal model of the logistics system of the Tarim material trade company and analyses the application of the bit logistics management .

  15. 随着国际贸易和物流的迅猛发展,进口商品对于口岸通关速度的要求越来越高,检验检疫部门在工作时限上承受的压力也越来越大。

    With the increasingly development of international trade and logistics , imported goods demands much rapid port customs . And CIQ faces more and more work impression .

  16. 结合着这些特点,本文对该企业提出了设计咨询、装备产业化、工程总承包、国际贸易与物流四位一体的企业发展战略;

    Combining with these features , the author proposes the quaternity development strategy for the corporation including design consultation , equipment industrialization , engineering general contract and material exchange with international trade .

  17. 论文分析了物流一般原理:在分析了物流的概念和特征基础上,分析了国外和我国物流的基本特点,分析了各种现代物流理论,为塔里木物资贸易公司物流系统分析奠定坚实的基础。

    The thesis analyzes the general principles . On the base of the logistics concept and character , the thesis analyses the basic character of foreign and our logistics and analyses every modem logistics theory .

  18. 论文的主体部分根据当前世界经济一体化的趋势,提出第三方物流企业应提供国际全程物流服务,满足跨国企业生产和贸易的物流需求。

    The main body of the thesis is based on the current world trend of economic integration is irreversible , the third-party logistics companies should provide full logistics services internationally to meet the needs of multinational production and trade logistics needs .

  19. 首先分析了B2B和C2C电子商务物流服务的共性和特殊性,并进行比较研究,然后总结了我国目前电子商务贸易和零售物流服务的企业现状和存在问题。

    First , it analyses commonality and particularity of the B2B and C2C e-commerce logistics services , and makes a comparative study . Then , it summarizes current development status of e-commerce trade and retail logistics services in China .

  20. C2C电子商务的发展与区域的经济贸易因素、物流交通环境、居民受教育水平和科技发展程度等因素也密切相关,需采取综合对策促进其发展。

    Moreover , the development of C2C E-commerce is related to the trade and economic factors , logistics and transportation environment , education levels of the residents , as well as the level of technology development of the region .

  21. 基于国际贸易的港口物流竞争力研究

    The Study of Competitiveness of Port Logistics Based on the International Trade

  22. 浅谈转口贸易型低温物流中心暨立体自动化冷藏库建设

    Introduction To The Automatic Palletized Cold Storage As the Logistics Centre Of Transit Trade

  23. 出口贸易中的物流管理

    Logistics management in Export Trade

  24. 国际贸易实务是物流专业、商务英语专业必修理课,是学生在二十一世纪必须具有的专业技能之一。

    Practice is a professional international trade logistics , business English will repair class , a student in the twenty-first century , one must have professional skills .

  25. 随着国际贸易和现代物流的不断发展,国际海上货物运输专业化分工的不断细化,无船承运业务已经成为国际海上货物运输不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    With the rapid development of international trade and modern logistics , The Non-Vessel-Operating services business have become imperative to international carriage of goods by sea , as is specialized more and more .

  26. 近年来,我国在国际贸易结算与物流金融的融合方面也取得了一些进展,但总的来看,基于物流金融的贸易结算业务还处于起步阶段,其规范化仍处于完善之中。

    In recent years , settlement in international trade finance and logistics integration has also made some progress , but , in general , based on the logistics finance trade transactions is still in its infancy , its standardization is still under improvement .

  27. 本文的第一章主要从自由贸易区和物流园区这两个方面为保税物流园区寻找理论基础,并且简要介绍了自由贸易区在其他国家的实践情况和物流园区在中国的发展状况;

    The first chapter is the theory basis of bonded logistic zone which is based on free trade zone and logistic zone theory . Another part of this chapter is about the development of free trade zones in other countries and logistic zones in China .

  28. 港口已经成为港口航运供应链中的一个重要环节,不仅是供应链中的关键节点,也是国际物流链中的技术节点,对国际贸易和国际物流的作用越来越重要。

    The port has become port shipping supply chain an important step in , is not only the key nodes of supply chain , also is the international logistics chain technology node , to the international trade and international logistics functions are becoming more and more important .

  29. 自加入WTO后,国际间贸易加大,对物流业的要求也越来越高,我国的一些企业面临前严峻的挑战。

    Since joining the WTO , international trade , increased demands on the logistics industry growing , some of our enterprises are faced with tough challenges before .

  30. 在来学院之前,刘伟曾任中澳合资的JM贸易有限公司的物流经理。

    Prior to joining the College , David was a Senior Logistics Manager at Sino-Australia JM Trading Co. , LTD.