
  1. 安全生产领域违法违纪行为政纪处分暂行规定

    Temporary Provisions on Administrative Disciplinary Punishment of the Activities Violating the Law and Discipline in Safe Production Area

  2. 在探讨行政执法责任状的法律责任时,本文提出了政纪处分的严厉程度应低于行政处分的严厉程度的观点。文章最后探讨了行政执法责任状适用过程中的救济管道问题。

    While discussing legal responsibility , the article puts forward the viewpoint that the severe degree of political punishment should be lower than that of administrative punishment .

  3. 现实管理工作中,管理机构性质不同,对内部成员的行政处分的依据则有所不同,处分责任类型也有差异,容易引起管理者在行政处分与政纪处分以及行政处罚之间的认识混淆。

    In the work of daily management , there are the differences of many kinds of punishment because of the difference of a policy discipline punishment and principle for punishment , which will create confusion for the recognition between administrative punishment and administrative disposition .